Chapter 3 - A Guidance from a dream

== In front of the shrine ==

Sayo :
Hmm, There is someone giving a Mochi over there.
Ran : I heard it's something that the locals do every year.
Ako : Let's have some!
Kanon : Yes, let's do that.
Arisa : Ummm, There are Anko mochi, Isobe Mochi, Kinako Mochi, and Karami Mochi. There a lot of varieties.
Ako : Excuse me~!Can I have all one of each type of Mochi!
Arisa : Eh, You just eat Yakisoba and Takoyaki earlier, and you still want to eat that much?
Ako : I only eat half of it, so don't worry! Also, Anko and Kinako is a dessert!
Arisa : But the Mochi itself is quite heavy... Then, maybe I'll have the Anko and the Karami Mochi.
Kanon : Fuee...I- I get so many~
Ran : They said that you're skinny so you need to eat a lot and give you that much, right, Matsubara-san.
Kanon : I wonder how many this is~? I don't think I can eat all of this~.
Sayo : U,ummm... They also give so much Mochi to me too...
Ran : Whoa, A mountain of Mochi...
Kanon : Sayo-chan's Mochi, even if you eat it with three people, there will still be a leftover...
Sayo : Yes. I'm really thankful for this. But it's still a little bit too much.
Sayo : But I can't just throw them away...
Ako : Ah, Sayo-san! Then, how about we give that Mochi to the Taiko team?
Ran : You're right, they are probably hungry. They have been working since early in the morning after all.
Sayo : You're right. Then, let's bring this Mochi to their place----
Kasumi : Ah, Found it! So Everyone is here~! I've been searching for everyone~!
Arisa : Oh, Speak of the devil...! What's wrong, Kasumi?
Kasumi : I want to ask for everyone's help... Waa, Mochi~!
Sayo : Ah, Yes. We're planning to give this to you guys. How is the Taiko team doing?
Kasumi : Is it okay to give it to us!? We're actually really hungry--. Thank you so much!

== Shrine - Kagura hall ==

Tomoe : So good--! Sayo-san, this Mochi is really good!
Misaki : You're right, it's soft and delicious. Thank you for bringing this to us.
Kokoro : My heart and stomach is fully healed after I eat this delicious Mochi! Thanks, Sayo!
Sayo : Fufu, I'm glad that everyone is happy.
Ako :  Hmmm.... This situation, I felt that I heard it from somewhere before... I wonder what is it..?
Kanon :  Ah! Ako-chan. This is just like Sayo-chan's Hatsuyume, right?  I also felt that I heard it from somewhere before.
Ako :  Ah, You're right! If I'm not wrong, In her dream, she's climbing a huge mountain, and when she finally reaches the top, she saw many peoples with a happy expression, right!
Ako : Sayo-san. I thought that your dream is talking about [FUTURE WORLD FES.], but maybe it's actually talking about this?
Sayo :  Eh? You mean my Hatsuyume...? Certainly... the atmosphere that I felt on that dream is the same as this...
Misaki : After Kanon-senpai, now is Sayo-senpai's dream that's becoming a reality...but, that's impossible, right...
Ran : Come to think of it, Kasumi...? Earlier, you said that you need our help with something, right.
Kasumi : Ah, I forgot! About that, can everyone help us decorating this Kagura hall!
Kanon : You want us to decorate this place?
Misaki : Yes, Kokoro said that she wants to decorate this place, and the head monk also has already given us permission...
Tomoe :  Haha... The head monk of this place seems to still have some youth left in his heart~
Kokoro : This a new year day after all! Let's make it a blast!
Arisa : I see, so it's like that.
Ako : Isn't that great! It looks fun! Ako will do her best!
Kanon : Yes! I'm happy to help.
Ran : Is there anything in here that we can use as a decoration... hmm, doesn't seem like it.
Sayo : That's mean, we need to search for something to be used as a decoration. We don't have much time left, so we need to search it within this shrine area.
Kasumi : Waaa! Thank you, everyone!
Tomoe : I'm sorry for making you do this! I'm counting on you!
Arisa : We need to use all of our power then. I'm going to ask the shrine's office---
Kasumi : Ah, That's right! Arisa, come with me!
Arisa : Ha? Where are you going to take me this time?
Kasumi : Just follow me!. It's something that only Arisa can do~!
Arisa : Seriously, it's probably just some trivial things again, right? Everyone, I'm sorry, but I'll go with her.
Kanon : Yeah, Take care... Arisa-chan, I wonder what she will be asked to do?
Ran : Don't know? Anyways, let's split up and search for something that we could use as a decoration.
Sayo : Yes, let's do that,
Ako : Yoshh! Let's do our best, Everyone--!


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