Chapter 5 - Kokoro's method, adventure guideline

==  Chinatown ==

Kokoro : Lion dance is really full of wonder. And it's also cute.
Kokoro : Hmm? There is a Lion dance over there too! Lion dance-san! Let's play together!
Kokoro : How weird. I thought I saw them going over here. Hey Misaki! ...Misaki?
Kokoro : !! This is bad! Everyone disappears!
Kokoro : I need to hurry up dan find them! Let see, I wonder where everyone is...

== At the same time ==

Lisa : Kokoro~! Kokoro--... This is bad, I can't find her here. Where did she go?
Hina : How weird. This has happened before when we're playing together, but at that time we can find her almost immediately~.
Misaki : Ahh--... She must be get lost if it's like this. And I bet that she doesn't notice she's the one that gets lost.
Moca : So she thinks, we're the one that gets lost and she's searching for us~?
Lisa : Then, how are we supposed to find her?
Hina : Is there any hint~.
Moca : Hint, huh~. Hmmmm...Hmm? Isn't it a bit noisy over there?
Hina : Ahh--, It's probably the Dragon dance, isn't it? According to the billboard, it's about to start soon.
Moca : I see~. I thought it could become some kind of clue~.
Lisa : Dragon dance... I see!
Lisa : Hey, Is there any chance that Kokoro is at the Dragon dance place?
Hina : Waa, She's probably there!
Misaki : No No, That's ... but, this is Kokoro that we're talking about.
Misaki : Come to think of it Lisa-san, earlier you said this, right, [I never saw Dragon dance before this, so I'm kinda interested.].
Misaki : Kokoro may not look like it, but she's the type of person who always remembers what other people said down to the last-minute details. That's why, maybe...
Lisa : To find us, she searches [the place where we hold interest in].
Misaki : Yes.
Hina : Hmm~... Well, we don't have any other clue either~. So, let's go over there.
Lisa : Yes!

== Dragon dance place ==

Kokoro : Everyone! As expected everyone is in here!
Misaki : Kokoro!
Lisa : I'm glad... Geez--, Don't make us worry like that!
Kokoro : Ara, You worried about me? Thank you, Lisa.
Kokoro : But I'm okay. Also, the timing is perfect! Then, let's go!
Moca : To where~?
Kokoro : Of course, to the dragon dance experience, right!
Kokoro : Lisa, earlier you said that you're interested in the dragon dance, right? That's why I have already told the person in charge, that you're going to participate!
Kokoro : Of course, everyone too!
Hina : Ahaha! As expected of Kokoro-chan! You're really unpredictable!
Moca : You're right, what an unexpected development~.
Dragon dance Staff : The next participant, we have finished the preparation! Tsurumaki-san and her friend! Please come over here!
Kokoro : Okayy! Look, it's our turn!
Lisa : I did say that I'm interested, but... Ehhh....!?
Misaki : Lisa-san. It's useless no matter what you say. Just go with the flow.
Hina : Yeay! Let's go--
Lisa : Eehh~!?

== After the dragon dance experience ==

Kokoro : That was really fun, right! Everyone!
Lisa : It's harder than it looks---... But, it went quite well than expected, right?
Lisa : Sigh--...Ahaha. What a weird feeling. Just a while ago, I'm still worrying about Kokoro getting lost, and now it's all gone.
Misaki : I'm sorry. Kokoro ended up troubling you.
Lisa : It's fine! How should I say it, I don't think she's making any trouble for me.
Lisa : It's true that she's making me worry... but, how should I say? It feels like she's taking me out to an adventure.
Moca : Ahh~, I understand that feeling.
Moca : At first, I'm a bit suprised~. I don't know what to do~, but then everything just falls in place all of sudden~.
Lisa : That's right! I've got that kind of feeling from all this. In the end, everything went well, we could even participate in the dragon dance... to be honest, I'm quite happy right now.
Lisa : It makes me think that I want to be with Kokoro, so this is the feeling that Hello happy's member has~.
Misaki : Well her method to take us on an adventure is a little bit forceful every time.
Lisa : Ahaha! But that's definitely Kokoro's method, right.
Moca : It's just like a roller coaster, right?
Hina : That's good one~! It fit Kokoro-chan perfectly!
Kokoro : Everyone~! The person in charge is asking us if we want to do it one more time! Let's do it again!
Lisa : Okay--! ... Then, it's time for us to head out to an adventure.
Misaki : Fufu. Yes. Let's go.


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