Ending - Orange sky full of feelings
Lisa : Sigh--, I'm spent~.
Hina : We finally escaped from the crowd. The place gets so crowded in the last part to the point that I don't understand anything anymore.
Kokoro : Ara? It seems there's something over there! I could see something shining.
Hina : You're right--. Let's see what it is.
Lisa : Flying lantern?
Kokoro : We write our wish in a piece of paper, after that we put that paper on the lantern, and then we let the lantern fly into the sky...Awesome! That's sounds fun!
Lisa : Hee--. How romantic. It's about time we take a break, so how about we participate in this together.
Hina : Okay--. Then, lets register first~.
Misaki : Wish, Wish huh~... Hmm. Did you have something in mind, Aoba-san?
Moca : Hmm--
Misaki : ...Aoba-san?
Moca : Eh? Whaat--?
Misaki : Don't 'Whaat--?' me. What happen, why are you space out like that.
Moca : Nothing~. Is what I want to say~... I'm just reflecting on myself~.
Moca : In the end, we rely on Lisa-san on so many things, and it's just become the same as always~
Moca : With this, I could say that our plan [Make Lisa-san satisfied] failed miserably~... And I felt sadden by that~. Yoyoyo~.
Lisa : I see--. So that's what you're all planning.
Misaki : Wa! Lisa-san...!
Lisa : From the start, I get the feeling that's the case. But I just don't think too much about it.
Lisa : Seriously. Moca is always like this, you always worried about something weird. You see, I don't think that your plan for today is a failure...
Kokoro : Of course it's not a failure!
Misaki : Uwaa! This time Kokoro!?
Kokoro : Well it deviates from the original plan, but I still think this is a great success!
Kokoro : I mean, look at Lisa, she's having so much fun today. Our goal for today is for Lisa to have fun, right?
Kokoro : So of course, including the change of plan and everything that happens today, I could say that today is a great success
Lisa : It's just like what Kokoro said, Moca.
Lisa : Today, I'm having so muccchhhh fun!
Lisa : Well of course not everything went well today. But including that too, it become my important memories.
Moca : Important, memories...
Lisa : Right. It is the important memories that I made together with Moca, Misaki, Kokoro, and also Hina. So it makes me really happy.
Lisa : Of course I'm also including the fact that Moca wants to perfectly guide me for today!
Lisa : Everything that Moca wants and not wants to happen, everything that happens today becomes my memories.
Kokoro : Awesome, Lisa! I also have the same feeling as Lisa!
Kokoro : Everything that we experience together today is my treasure!
Lisa : Yes yes! As expected of Kokoro, We're thinking the same thing~!
Kokoro : Yes!
Misaki : ... Both of us, probably trying too hard to act cool.
Misaki : The time that we spend together is what's important, huh--. Kokoro aside, Lisa-san is also quite something.
Moca : You're right~.
Moca : But--, Moca-chan still won't give up~. Fufufu~. Everyone, look forward to my next plan~.
Hina : Even though Lisachii said that it's okay if it's just like always?
Moca : Of course~ Moca-chan's ego...and also pride is on the line here~.
Hina : Ahaha, I don't understand Moca-chan at all!
Hina : It's the same with everyone else too. 'The result doesn't matter, I just won't give up...'. That kind of feeling, I don't understand it.
Kokoro : You prefer that way, right, Hina?
Hina : Yes! Because it's more interesting when everyone is not making any sense!
Lisa : Hina~. That's doesn't make any sense to~.
All : Ahahaha.
Lisa : More importantly. it's about time we let the lantern fly. Is everyone ready?
Moca : Of course, I'm ready~.
Kokoro : I'm ready anytime!
Lisa : Yosh. Then, at the count of 3, we let the lantern go, okay! Here I go~....1,2...
All : 3!
Misaki : Waa--... Awesome. There are so many lanterns floating in the sky...
Kokoro : It's so pretty!
Hina : Yes yes! By the way---, what did everyone write?
Moca : It's a secret~.
Misaki : Same as my right.
Hina : Ehhh, Why--!? What about Lisachii?
Lisa : What I write is not a wish, but a message for everyone.
Lisa : [Everyone, Thank you for today. Let's hang out together again!]
Kokoro : Yes! Of course, Lisa! Nghh--! I'm looking forward to it!
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