Chapter 4 - A proof that we want to challenge it

== A few days later – Lunch break ==

== Hanasakigawa Girls' High school – 2-A Classroom ==

Kanon : Umm... ah, Arisa-chan~.

Arisa : Wa, Kanon-senpai! What's wrong? Did you need me for something?

Kanon : Are you free today? I want to discuss our plan for the street live...

Kanon : Like how to connect each song and all of those things. If you're free, can we talk about this after school?

Arisa : You're right, we haven't planned any of that yet... Umm, Today I need to do some student council work first, but I'm free after that.

Kanon : Thank you! Then, can you contact me when you're done?

Arisa : Okay.


Kasumi : Hey, Arisa! What are you talking about with Kanon-senpai earlier?

Tae : Come to think of it, recently you’ve been hanging out with Kanon-senpai quite a lot, haven't you?

Arisa : Ah, About that, actually. We've been talking about a lot of stuff, so I can't find the right timing to tell you all about this, but actually---


Tae - Saaya - Rimi : Street live?

Kasumi : Awesome~! Eee~, That sounds fun~~. I want to do it too~~~.

Kasumi : Hey! Is there anything we can help with?

Arisa : Hmm--. I don't think there is any--

Kasumi : Ehh~, There must be something--! Arisa~, Think harder~.

Arisa : E-even if you ask me like that...Rather, why do you want to help me that badly.

Saaya : It's because we have the same feeling as you, right? You're doing this because you want to help, Kanon-senpai, right? It's the same reason, don't you think? 

Arisa : Now that you said it, you're right...

Rimi : A street live, huh~. It must feel great to be able to perform in a place other than the stage. Arisa-chan, do your best! We'll definitely come and cheer for you.

Saaya : Of course. Arisa, are you ready~? We'll give you a lot of cheer on the actual day.

Tae : I’ll cheer for you from now. Arisa, do your best~!

Arisa : Wait! Don't shout like that! You're disturbing everyone...

Arisa : But, well, you know...Yes. I'll do my best.

Saaya : Ooo--, How unusual. For Arisa to say something like that.

Arisa : I mean, Kanon-senpai is really excited about this. So I must do my best as well.

Tae : That feeling is important. But I want you to have fun too, Arisa.

Arisa : Yes...You're right. Thank you, Otae.

Kasumi : Nghhh~~~! I’m really envious~~! Arisa, do your best~~~!

Arisa : I-I get it! I get it already, stop hugging me!

== After school ==

== Hanasakigawa Girls' High school  – Student Council room ==

Arisa : Okay. I have finished writing the meeting report. Then, next is---

Rinko : Ichigaya-san... it looks like you want to finished today work early... do you have a practice with Matsubara-san... after this...?

Arisa : Y-Yes. We planned to meet after this… eh, how do you know?

Rinko : Matsubara-san... told me about the street live... it seems that... everything is going well.

Arisa : That’s right. It feels likes the song becomes more complete each time we practice it.

Arisa : It feels likes, My own image, and Kanon-senpai's image is overlapping and they're moving toward the same goal

Arisa : And that feeling grows bigger each time we practice... how should I explain it, it feels rewarding...

Rinko : Fufu... seems like you're having fun...

Arisa : I- Is that so? ...Well because it's fun after all?

Arisa : Until now, I only ever perform Popipa's song, that's why, I discover so many new things by doing something like this.

Arisa : It feels different than when I perform with Popipa, it feels like doing something new...

Rinko : The reason you feel that is probably because...Ichigaya-san is... challenging yourself to do something new... I think...

Arisa : Eh? Challenging myself? No no, It's not like that all! It's only because Kanon-senpai invites me to join her, and I'm thinking to give it a shot.

Rinko : You want to give it a shot... that kind feeling... is important...

Rinko : The reason I entered that piano contest before this... is also... because I felt something like that.

Arisa : Rinko-senpai...

Rinko : After the street live is over... I hope... you can discover... a new kind of feeling again...

Arisa : Yes... that new kind of feeling... I want to feel it too.

Rinko : your best for the street live...

Arisa : Yes!


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