Opening - Street Live

== Hanasakigawa girls' High School - Student Council Room ==

Rinko : Ichigaya-san... I’ve already prepared the document... all that left is to tally the surveys, right...?

Arisa : Y-Yes. I’m tallying it right now. It'll be finished soon...

Rinko : That's great... with this, the preparation for tomorrow is complete...

Arisa : Thank you for your help. But, I'm sorry. For making you helping me even though you have a band practice after this...

Rinko : The practice is still a bit later... also, it'll be faster if we're doing it together... so don't mind about it...

Rinko : Also... Ichigaya-san too... You always helped me with my work...

Arisa : Well, that's true, but you helped me more often than I helped you...

Arisa  : Just like before this, when everyone has their hand full writing the report, you're the one who  checked the equipment in our stead

Arisa : You always take notice of what's happening around you.

Rinko : No, That's... rather... I think Ichigaya-san... is doing the same thing...

Arisa : Eh, Me? No, I didn't do such a thing.

Rinko : You just don't aware of it... But I think, Ichigaya-san... is always take notice to everything that happens around you... to the smallest detail...

Arisa : Is, that so... T-thank you...

== On the way home ==

== In front of the station ==

Arisa : Nghh~~, That's tiring~. But I'm glad that I could finish all of my work today.

Arisa : It's all thanks to Rinko-senpai...Hm? Why there are so many people over there?

Arisa : Heee, Someone is doing a street live using acoustic guitar...

Kanon : Ah. So you're here too, Arisa-chan.

Arisa : Waa, Kanon-senpai...? I just get here... Eh? Did you come here to watch the street live, Kanon-senpai?

Kanon : Yes. I also just get here. I was doing some shopping nearby, and then I see so many people gathered here, so I got curious.

Arisa : It's amazing. The performer could attract this many people just by using an acoustic guitar.

Kanon : You're right~. The audience is watching from a close distance, don't the performer feel nervous?

Arisa : Certainly. If it's in the Live house, the audience won't watch you at such a close distance. It makes you more aware that peoples are watching you...

Kanon : That’s true! I can still remember that my leg is shaking so much at that time.

Arisa : That time? Ah, come to think of it, you've done a street live before, right. Kanon-senpai?

Kanon : Yes. I meet Kokoro-chan when carrying my snare drum in front of the station, and then she invited me to do a street live together with her.

Arisa : Aahh--, I heard that story from someone before.

Kanon : But, I don't think I can call it street live, all I do most of the time is just ad-libbing.

Arisa : Eh, Ad-libbing...?

Kanon : Kokoro-chan is singing freely, and all I do is to match my drum beat with her singing.

Kanon : I was so nervous at that time, I don't know anything that happens in my surrounding.

Arisa : Of course you will attract a lot of peoples if you're doing a wild performance like that.

Kanon : How nostalgic, fufu. When everything is over, I can see that a lot of people have already surrounding us...

Arisa : You did pretty well even though you're nervous.

Kanon : Fufu. Do you want to try it too, Arisa-chan?

Arisa : Eh!? I definitely can't do that!

Kanon : Fufu, It's just a joke, but---

Kanon : I want to try doing it again...

Arisa : ...Eh?

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