Opening - A new hobby

== Lunch break ==

== Hanasakigawa girls' High school - Courtyard ==

Kasumi : Look, Arisa! There's a karaage in my bento today! You're jealous, aren't you~!

Arisa : Yes, yes whatever. Itadakimasu--.

Kasumi : Geez-, Arisa! Listen to me~!

Rimi : Fufu. Kasumi-chan is in high spirits today.

Saaya : Come to think of it, she's been like this since morning, right?

Tae : Kasumi, did something good happen to you recently?

Kasumi : Eh!? Awesome! How did you notice that...!

Kasumi : To tell you the truth, I just found a new hobby~!

Rimi : A new hobby?

Kasumi : Yes! I started doing kitchen garden together with Acchan! It was really fun!

Tae : Kitchen garden, huh. That seems fun.

Saaya : But, Kitchen garden is quite time consuming, right. What are you growing?

Kasumi : Ehhehe~. Parsley~, Lettuce~ and leek! The one that's small and thin!

Arisa : So you're starting with that. Don't make them wither.

Kasumi : Of course I won't~! I'm taking care of them every day!

Saaya : With that Line-up, I don't think you need to take care of them every day...

Saaya : But, a new hobby, huh. Come to think of it, before this, Otae and Rimirin also said that you found a new hobby, right?

Tae : Yes. I started making clothes for Occhan and the others. I've already made so many. Here is the picture.

Arisa : Heee---, let me see... wait, its just an apron!

Rimi : I started blogging because Himari-chan invited me. I write my impression on the dessert that I ate...

Rimi : The people in the comment tell me all of the recommended shops. It was so much fun.

Arisa : Sometimes, you can get so many useful information from the comment section~.

Arisa : T- ...To be honest, I started doing something like that too. Recently I like to upload the picture of my bonsai on the SNS... I also planned to enter a contest... or something. 

Kasumi : That's awesome--! Arisa, tells us the result, okay!

Arisa : Only if I participate, okay! I still haven't decided yet! Don't raise your expectation too high!

Saaya : Yes, Yes. We understand.

Saaya : Even so, before I know it everyone has already found a new hobby. That's awesome~.

Arisa : What about you Saaya? Did you have something that you interested in doing recently?

Saaya : Hmmm... nothing in particular. Even at our last day-off, I only went shopping and buy hair accessories. 

Tae : Is that so, what kind of hair accessories did you buy?

Saaya : Of course the cute one! There are a lot of color variation, so I don't know what to choose at first---

Saaya : (How nice. Everyone looks happier than usual. A new hobby, huh~...)

== Evening ==

== Yamabuki bakery ==

Moca : Hello~.

Saaya : Ah, Moca. Welcome. What makes you come here at this hour?

Moca : Fu fu fu~. I planned to go to Hii-chan place after this to borrow some manga~. That's why, I come here to buy some souvenir for her~.

Saaya : Both of you really like manga, huh.

Moca : That's right--. We like to lend and borrow manga from each other, and not only manga, we also like to lend and borrow novel or photobook~.

Moca : At first, I'm not really interested in those kinds of things, but now I'm addicted to it~. And there are still many things that I haven't discovered yet~.

Moca : Because of that, the place that I wanna go to, and the thing that I wanna do is just keep on increasing. But I don't have enough time~. Tohoho~

Saaya : Fufu, that kind of thing makes you excited, right.

Moca : Yes--. It's super fun~. I also feel like my feeling and the way I see things is changing when I read manga.

Moca : I could even understand the feeling of the character that I couldn't understand at first~. And that makes the manga become 2-3 times more enjoyable to read~.

Saaya : 2-3 times, huh. How nice.

Saaya : To tell you the truth, I was thinking of finding myself a new hobby.

Saaya : ...Even so, I haven't found one that fits me. So I can only say 'How nice" whenever someone talking about their hobby.

Moca : Ooo~. That's rare coming from you, Saaya...?

Moca : In that case, Leave it to Moca-chan~. I'll find you a new hobby~.

Saaya : Ehh!? You don't need to!

Saaya : I'm happy that you want to help me, but Moca is already busy with your band activity and part-time job, right?

Moca : It's fine--. It sounds interesting, just like a treasure hunt~~.

Moca : With that said~. Let's find a new hobby that fits you Saaya~!

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