Chapter 2 - Experiencing Kokoro and Maya's Hobby
== Tsurumaki Residence - Garden ==
Kokoro : This is what I recommended!
Saaya : There are so many colorful pins... Could it be, your recommendation is juggling?
Kokoro : Yes! But that's not all!
Moca : Hula hoop and trampolines. And also a Kendama. There are a lot of different things in there~.
Kokoro : Everythings in here is something that could let us have fun while making other people smile at the same time, how wonderful is that!
Kokoro : I immediately think of this when I heard about Saaya from Moca!
Saaya : Fufu. Thank you, Kokoro. But, I don't know if I can do juggling or not? I could probably do Hula hoop and Kendama though...
Kokoro : Of course, you can! I guaranteed it!
Saaya : Where did that confidence come from... But, If I learned how to juggle, then I could show it to my sibling and teach them how to do it next time...
Saaya : Yes, this is quite good.
Maya : There are also many other toys in here, how about you try all of it.
Kaoru : You can try it all you want. Then, let's begin.
Saaya : Yes! Yoshh, Here I go...!
== 1 hour later ==
Maya : Minato-san, the most important thing when playing with bamboo-cooper is the spin. You spin it and then let it fly, don't force it. What you need to do is like this...
Yukina : The most important thing is the spin... you mean like this?
Kokoro : Nghh--! This is so fun, Saaya! Let's play with the trampoline next!
Saaya : Okay! Ah, But wait a minute. Moca and Hagumi hula hoops showdown is about to end.
Hagumi : Awesome! You win, Moca-chii~! You’re the king of hula hoops!
Moca : Yeay, Peace.
Hagumi : Moca-chii, you brought a camera, right!? Let's take a photo together! Also, I want you to sign it!
Kokoro : That’s wonderful! Let me join too!
Saaya : Then, let me take the picture. First, I'll take Hagumi two-shot. Then, say cheese!
Saaya : ...Wait, isn't this just playing around like usual!
Moca : Ooo~, You finally notice.
Saaya : Why didn't you tell me anything~!
Maya : W- well. It's fun, right. Don't worry this only the warm-up!
Maya : Well then... ahem. This is what I recommended! First, take a look at this!
Yukina : This is...[Electronic kits]...?
Maya : Yes! They started selling something like this recently, it's cheap and you can make something authentic out of this!
Maya : It's good for a change of pace, and once you started building it you won't be able to stop... it's a rewarding hobby.
Maya : Also, after you finish building it, you can actually use it for real.
Saaya : So you can actually make a functional radio out of this? Hee--, Awesome.
Saaya : But... soldering? I feel like I have done it in school before... but I don't really know if I can do it...
Maya : Don’t worry! I'm here to support you!
Yukina : I’m a bit worry, but... let's try it first.
Saaya : Right. Then, Maya-san. Please take care of me.
== 1 hour later ==
Saaya : I... I did it...!
Yukina : Me too, I somehow manage to build it.
Maya : Uwaa! You managed to finish it perfectly.
Maya : Both of you done a really good job! I mean look at your Radio, Yamabuki-san! This part here is really hard to put together, but you managed to do it perfectly!
Saaya : Really? Thank you very much!
Maya : Then, let's try if the radio can receive a signal or not. We'll start with Yamabuki-san's radio first.
Saaya : O-okay!
Maya : Then, here I go...
Moca : gulp...
Maya : Oh...ooh...? Ooo--! It's perfect! You did it, Yamabuki-san!
Saaya : I...I'm glad~!
Hagumi : Minato-san's radio is also working properly! Awesome!
Kokoro : Let's take a commemorative photo! Just like the one we take earlier!
Hagumi : Agreed--! Saaya, Minato-san! Smile~!
Yukina : L-Like this?
Kokoro : You look pretty, Yukina! I'll keep this as a memento!
Kaoru : Then, it's my turn now I supposed. Everyone, can you follow me?
Moca : Yes--. Let’s go~, Saaya~.
Saaya : Yes! Ah... Moca, lend me the camera for a second.
Saaya : (The radio comes out better than I expected so I'll take a commemorative photo too. Then, I'll also include Yukina-senpai too... and done!
Saaya : (Will everyone be surprise if I show this photo to them? Fufu, I can't wait.)
Saaya : (Then, let's have fun in the next one too!)
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