Chapter 2 - A tough day
== White day – Early in the morning ==
== Haneoka Girls' Highschool – Front gate ==
Tomoe : Yawn...Tsugu, Morning...
Tsugumi : Good morning, Tomoe-chan. You look sleepy, are you okay?
Tomoe : Hm..? Ah, I’m okay...
Himari : Hmmm, Good morning you two~! Both of you are quite early today? The morning practice hasn't even started yet, you know?
Tsugumi : Good morning, Himari-chan! It will be hard to distribute all of the gifts if we didn't start this early.
Himari : I see, that sounds hard...! Which club will you go first?
Tsugumi : We planned to go to the tennis club first. That's why, let's go there together, Himari-chan. Right, Tomoe-chan!
Tomoe : ...
Tsugumi : ...Is she sleeping!?
Tomoe : Uncle... the usual, please...
Himari : She's ordering ramen in her dream...? Tomoe, wake up!
Tomoe : ...Give me a refill!
Tsugumi : T-Tomoe-chan! Please, wake up~!
== Break ==
== Haneoka Girls' Highschool – 2-A Classroom ==
Ran : Haha, So something like that happens. It seems you've been working hard since morning, Tsugumi.
Tsugumi : Not at all! But I did start panicking when Tomoe-chan trying to eat the return gift while half asleep...
Tsugumi : But, the girl that receives the return gift seems so happy. Seeing her happy expression is also making me happy.
Ran : I see, I'm glad that everything went well.
Tsugumi : Yes! Well, we've only given them to one person though...
Moca : Well, You'll manage somehow~.
Himari : Tomoe, as we speak is giving the gift to the girls from nearby class, right?
Tsugumi : Yes, I told her to go to the nearby class to give the gift whenever we have a break between classes.
Moca : As expected of the talented student council vice-president, you already planned everything throughly~.
Himari : Hey, how about we check her out?
Moca : Alright~. Let's go--.
Himari : Ah, I found Tomoe! Look, she's over there!
Moca : Ooo~, You're right. She seems excited~.
Ran : Ah, That person, we're in the same class last year. I vaguely remember her
Himari : Eehh, You only remember her vaguely, even though you're in the same class with her?
Ran : I can’t be helped, okay. We rarely talk.
Himari : Geez, You need to open up with your classmate more, Ran... rather than that, it looks like their conversation is not going to stop soon, is this okay?
Tsugumi : It's not okay... she should be giving chocolate to two other people during this break...
Himari : Eeeeh~!? With this much time left!?
Ran : Rather than that, is she taking this much time, every time she gives the gift?
Moca : Could it be, the reason you only give the gift to one person this morning, is because of this~?
Tsugumi : Y-Yes... You're right.
Tsugumi : But that girls look so happy when she received the gift from Tomoe, and they seem to be having so much fun when talking, so I can't bring myself to interrupt them...
Ran : But, maybe we should signal her or something? The break is going to end if this keeps going.
Tsugumi : Y- You're right...!
Tsugumi : (Tomoe-chan! Please notice me! You need to go to the other girl's place before the break ends!)
Tomoe : ...
Moca : Oo, it looks like she noticed you.
Tsugumi : That's good... now, she can at least give the gift to one other person...
Tomoe : ...!
Himari : She's winking at us.... but, did she really get it?
Ran : Yes, she probably thinks that everything is going according to plan.
Moca : There's no time left~.
Himari : Ah, She starts panicking!
Tsugumi : T-Tomoe-chan…!
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