Chapter 3 - It's because You're a good listener
== Break ==
== Haneoka Girls' Highschool – 2-A Classroom ==
Tomoe : I’m sorry, Tsugu!
Tomoe : Even though you already arranged the schedule, I ruined it all...
Tsugumi : No, don't mind about it. That's just how much Tomoe-chan cherishes the time that you spend with each one of them.
Moca : But earlier, Tsugu said~... I don't know what should I do, if this happens again.
Tsugumi : I-I didn’t say that!?
Himari : But you must rearrange the schedule because of this, right. Tsugu, Is this okay?
Tsugumi : Yes, I have already rearranged it, I think we'll manage somehow. I'll send it to the group chat now, so please check it!
Tomoe : Eh!? You already rearranged it...
Ran : W-when...?
Himari : You rearranged the schedule in this short period of time?
Moca : Fu fu fu, So this is Tsugu's true power. As expected from the talented---.
Tsugumi : M- Moca-chan! Enough with that!
Ran : Rather, Why did you look so proud, Moca...?
Ran : But Tomoe, you must be more aware of your surrounding, at this rate, you won't make it in time.
Tomoe : You're right... But when the girls start talking about many things, It's hard for me to cut the conversation short...
Moca : It's because Tomo-chin is a good listener~.
Ran : Certainly. Even before this, when we're at the family restaurant and Himari starts telling her long story, Tomoe listens to her till the end.
Himari : It isn't that long! Wait, so everyone didn't listen to it!?
Moca : I listen, you know~. Well---, I was really moved by your story~.
Moca : Especially the part when the mysterious organization take over the shopping mall and take everyone captives. So Hii-chan must defeat all of the bad guys one by one...
Himari : I never talk about something like that! If you want to lie, at least make it more believable!
Tsugumi : Tomoe also gets called out often when she's walking down the shopping district. It's probably because everyone wants Tomoe-chan to listen to their problem.
Ran : I don’t know if it's a good thing or not, but she did receive a lot of things from the ojii-san and obaa-san at the shopping district.
Himari : You're right! Before this, someone gives her a ham that has the same size as a log!
Tomoe : It's just that, whenever I meet with them, they always give me something! Well, I'm happy though.
Moca : It's probably because everyone likes seeing your reaction when you received a present~?
Himari : Ah, You're right! She looks so happy whenever we give her a birthday present.
Himari : Eh, But when I give everyone our matching lucky charm, she didn't react like she usually does...?
Ran : That’s... well, that one is an exception.
Himari : Geez, What do you mean by that~!? Ah, Come to think of, before this, at the shopping district, Tomoe----
Tsugumi : ...! Himari-chan, Stop!
Himari : Hm? What's wrong, Tsugu?
Tsugumi : The return gift! The break is almost over, you know!
Ran : Uwaa, You're right. We only have little time left.
Moca : It feels likes we're being affected by Tomo-chin's listening power~...
Tomoe : Eh, It's my fault!?
Tsugumi : M- More importantly! Tomoe-chan, can you somehow give the return gifts to the girls that I listed on this page!
Tomoe : Y- Yeah, I understand!
Moca : And with that, Tomo-chin's new fight begins...
Ran : What’s with the narration…
Tsugumi : Ah, Tomoe-chan, Wait!
Tomoe : Eh, W-what’s wrong, Tsugu!?
Tsugumi : Don't run in the hallway!
Tomoe : Eeeh!? B- But we don’t have any time left...
Tsugumi : But if you feel down and get hurt, you won’t be able to give the return gift, right?
Tomoe : I- I understand...!
Ran : As expected of the talented student council vice-president...
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