Chapter 1 - Lesson start!

== 1st period ==

Sensei : For the first lesson let's do group work. I'm gonna give you a task, so please work together as a group to finish it.
Moca : Ran--, Tsugu--, Let's do it together--.
Tomoe : It seems we can decide our own group!
Himari : Lets combined our desk!
Tsugumi : Come to think of it, We always do something like this in middle school.
Ran : Yep. Somehow it feels nostalgic.
Ran : It's been a while since we get on the same class together, so doing this made me remember a lot of things form the past...Hmm?
Ran : Wait, Moca! Why did you put so many breads on top of the desk!?
Moca : Ahh--This? Fu Fu Fu, It look delicious, right~?
Ran : W-what with that reaction...? Don't tell me, In the past 3 years, you always eat bread in the class?
Tsugumi : Ah, That Ran-chan, Even Moca-chan won't do something like that, you know?
Moca : Ran--, you meanie--. I won't do something like that~.
Ran : Then, what with this bread...
Tsugumi : Look carefully. It really looks like it's real, But all of it is only just stationary.
Ran : Stationary?
Moca : Right. Look at this, It really looks like French bread, but if you look carefully it's actually a pen case~.
Ran : It's true...! Then, The other bread too?
Moca : Of course, Everything is only stationary~.
Tomoe : Ah, This bread here is actually a pouch. Heee,  It really fancy.
Himari : Whoa, The pen and eraser is a bread too. This butter roll eraser is cute.
Moca : As expected, Hiichan. You have great taste.
Ran : But, don't they make it too real? This pen case and this pouch, if you look it from far away everyone would think It's real bread, you know?
Moca : That's probably the craftsman fixation~. It seems he really likes bread~.
Ran : But it's not bread, It's a pen case.
Tsugumi : But if you think about it, It really is an amazing spectacle seeing this many breads being lined up on top of the desk.
Tsugumi : I don't really noticed it until now.
Tomoe : Without we noticed it, It has become something like this.
Himari : At first even the teacher seem suprised. But, right now he doesn't even say anything about it.
Moca : That mean... If I put some real bread in here, nobody will notice...?
Tsugumi : Y -You can't eat bread in the middle of the class!
Moca : It's just a joke. Moca-chan's joke~.
Ran : I hope so...
Tomoe : Anyway, let's stop talking about this and do our task. If we don't finish it, we'll get yelled at.
Himari : T- That right! Where is my note...AH!?
Tsugumi : What is it, Himari-chan?
Himari : I bring my 1st-year note~! I forgot to bring my new note...!
Tomoe : Oi oi, Get a grip, we already enter our 2nd-year, you know~?
Tsugumi : But, didn't you bring your 1st-year note too, Tomoe-chan?
Tomoe : URGH! Waaa, It's true! I bring the wrong one too~!
Ran : Both of you... get a grip.
Tomoe : Sighh... Also there is no empty space left in this note...
Himari : Ah, I still have some page left... But if I write it here it won't become organized~...
Ran : ? Can I see your note?
Tomoe : Hmm? There's nothing interesting in it, you know?
Ran : It just that, Somehow the note that both of you write is becoming very organized?
Tomoe : Eh? Is that so?
Ran : Tomoe, In the past, you only use one color when writing a note. You can't understand the important point by writing it like that.
Tomoe : Ahh--, Now that you say it...
Ran : Also Himari note used to be very messy to the point you can't even read it.
Himari : Ah, Yes. I always say something like that...
Ran : But now, this note is very organize. It look like Tsugu's note.
Himari : It look the same... It probably because Tsugu is the one teaching me how to take a note.
Ran : Eh, Is that so?
Tsugumi : Yep, It probably at 2nd-grade middle school? She ask me to teach her.
Moca : Tsugu's note is very organized after all--. It a note that everyone admired~.
Himari : True, I'm really helped by god tsugu teaching!
Tomoe : Because of that, You said that your grade become better, right Himari!
Tsugumi : You're exaggerating~.
Ran : ...Somehow it's a bit unsual.
Ran : Even if our class is different, we're always together, so I think we already know about each other... But it seem there's many change that I still don't know.
Moca : Well, It because we haven't been in the same class for 3 year--.
Tsugumi : But, I think I'm the one that haven't changed that much, right...?
Tsugumi : The thing that I bring to class is always the same. Also, the way I listen to lesson haven't changed at all since Middle school.
Ran : Then It's good. If even Tsugumi change, I don't know what to do.
Tsugumi : Ahaha, I'm also glad that Ran-chan haven't change that much. If Ran-chan changed then I'll feel uneasy.
Himari : ...Ah, It look like the teacher write something in the Blackboard! It's a hint for the task!
Ran : The blackboard... As I thought, I can't see it from here...
Ran : ...Alright. *Put on glasses*
Himari - Tomoe - Moca - Tsugu : ! ! ! !
Tsugumi : Ran-chan...?
Ran : What?
Himari - Tomoe - Moca - Tsugu : Eh, EHHHHHHHH~~~~!!?


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