Chapter 1 - Relaxing lunchtime
== Hanasakigawa girls' high school - Courtyard==
Kanon : I'm glad the weather is good. Bathing in the sunlight like this feels really good.
Sayo : Yes. It's not bad to eat outside once in a while.
Misaki : It's as Sayo-senpai said...Wait, that's not what I mean!
Misaki : Kanon-san...and Sayo-senpai. What kind of situation is this?
Misaki : I already ask Ichigaya-san to come here like you ask me, but.
Sayo : This is for Shirokane-san to overcome her own fear. The first step of our plan is to make her interact with Ichigaya-san, whom she interacts the most in the student council.
Kanon : She and Arisa-chan play the same instrument, also they chat a lot too, so she shouldn't be nervous.
Sayo : Accumulating experience is important.
Misaki : I see, so It's something like that.
Misaki : Ichigaya-san said to me that, there are many people in the student council that she doesn't know yet, so she is nervous too, so it gonna be a great opportunity for her too, but...
Rinko - Arisa : ...
Rinko : I...Ichigaya-san.
Arisa : Y...Yes.
Rinko : That... T- the weather is great.
Arisa : That's right...
Rinko - Arisa : ...
Misaki : Both of them, seem really nervous.
Kanon : E- eh...?
Rinko : (What should I do... Even though, I usually could talk normally to her... But because I plan to talk to her without any nervousness... It made me more nervous...)
Rinko : (But, I mustn't waste this chance...I must work hard...!)
Rinko : B, because...the weather is... great...thats why...What is Ichigaya-san...hobby...?
Arisa : Eh? Hobby!?
Arisa : Ah, umm--... Surfing the internet, probably?
Rinko : Surfing the internet...? That... could you probably...playing a game... on the internet...
Arisa : No, I don't play any games...
Rinko : Is...that so...
Rinko - Arisa : ...
Kanon : Both of them is really nervous.
Sayo : Both of them seemed very conscious of each other. Even though they were supposed to have more natural conversations because they were not in the Student Council room now.
Misaki : I think because this is the first time they eat lunch together and talked like this, so they become more conscious because of it.
Sayo : Yes. Also, because we're looking at them, it probably became something like pressure to them.
Sayo : Because both of them seem nervous, we probably shouldn't increase the number of people for now... Anyways, let's support them for now...
Kanon : Fuuee, what should we do...Ummm, umm...
Kanon : That... B- by the way, what is Rinko-chan's hobby? I always see you reading a book in the classroom, so it probably literature, right?
Rinko : Ah..yes. I read many books... I think. Right now, I just finished this book...
Misaki : [Flower and Wonderland]? The cover is cute.
Arisa : Ah, I have read that book too!
Arisa : It has become a hot topic on the internet so I read it, It's really interesting. I was drawn in by how the author writes the psychological description.
Rinko : T...That's right. The word that this author use is really unique...
Rinko : Also, the sequel just comes out recently... It's really good... If you want to, please read that too.
Rinko : Also, If you think this book is good... Then you'll probably like a book called [Dance of Time]...! The story is a bit dark but, the character is really good...
Rinko : Aaa...I- I'm sorry. There is so many books that I want to recommend to you... So I...
Arisa : Don't mind about it...I'm bit surprised but, I'm happy.
Arisa : That...If it's fine with you, could you recommend me more book?
Rinko : O...Okay!
Sayo : ...It's going well it seems.
Misaki : Then--, I'm glad. This means our presence here has a meaning too. Kanon-san, nice support.
Kanon : I- It's nothing like that. But I'm glad.
Kanon : Arisa-chan and Rinko-chan seem so happy, with this the nervousness will probably disappear, right.
Sayo : Yes. the chance of success is high.
Misaki : Right. Ichigaya-san, Rinko-senpai. Good luck both of you~.
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