Opening 2 - Let's talk to them

== CiRCLE Lobby ==

Kasumi : Marina-san, Thank you for lending us the Studio!!
Marina : Yep, your welcome! If you want to ask for advice on Live or Training again, feel free to ask me.
Tae : Thank you very much.
Saya : By the way, there is a note placed on the Studio, What's with that?
Marina : That's a note written by everyone. Recently, There are many people started coming to CiRCLE. So I want them to leave a comment about CiRCLE using that note.
Rimi : Is that so! Then Kasumi-chan. How about we write something too?
Kasumi : Let's write something! Let see... [Poppin'Party here!]....!
Arisa : OI, don't write something that big! I don't have any space left to write!
Marina : Fufu, Don't fight!
Tae : [Band is fun! I love Rabbit!]
Rimi : That comment really looks like something that Otae-chan would write.
Arisa: Ah...Oi, Kasumi. Isn't that Rinko-senpai and Sayo-senpai over there?
Kasumi : Ah, It really is!
Saya : Both of them seem troubled by something... Did something happen?
Arisa : Rinko-senpai doesn't like crowded places after all ... well, me too actually.
Tae : Arisa, after you joined the Student Council you seemed to get closer with Rinko-senpai.
Arisa : W-we are not that close--...Well, we did get closer than before.
Kasumi : Anyway, Both of the seem troubled by something. Let's talk to them!
Arisa : Let's do that. You come with us too 'Player'. Because we can't help them If they have a problem with the Studio.
Kasumi : Oooii, Rinko-senpai~! Sayo-senpai!


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