Chapter 4 - Panicking
Arisa : ...T...The other is late, aren't they! They said they will come back here immediately after visiting the document room...
Rinko : There's a new shelf there... they need to clean the shelf first... and then arrange the documents ...they probably would take some time ...
Arisa : I- is that so! That's kind of troublesome--...hahaha...
Rinko : (As I thought...The atmosphere have become awkward...)
Rinko : (But, I don't want this... to keep up...)
Rinko : You...You see.!
Teacher : Excuse me, do you have time?
Arisa : Sensei! What is it?
Teacher : About the questionnaire form that you give me earlier. I couldn't find the totalization table for each grade anywhere. Sorry, but can you search it for me?
Rinko : I'm sorry... it probably got mixed up somewhere.
Arisa : Then it probably in here somewhere. Let's see, not this... this not it too...Ah, here it is!
Arisa : It got mixed up in a different file. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Teacher : I am the one who must apologize for disturbing you while you are busy. Thanks for your help.
Rinko : Don't mind it... If you need anything again... please just tell us...
Teacher : Thank you. Then, sorry for disturbing.
Arisa : ...What a perfect timing. I'm a bit surprised.
Rinko : Yes. I thought...It's clean up the document.
Arisa : That's right. It may be impossible to finish it today. but let's do it little by little.
Arisa : More than that, Rinko-senpai. What do you want to say earlier?
Rinko : Eh? Ah...that is...
Rinko : I, you see.
Newspaper club member: Excuse me.
Rinko : Y..yes..!
Newspaper club member : Ah, Shirokane-san. I'm glad you're here. Our club wants to make a questionnaire just like before. How can we get permission.
Rinko : Questionnaire ... then, you need to write what your club plans to do ...
Rinko : This is the application form. Please Fill in the blank... after that, you need a confirmation from your club advisor...then... please submit it to the student council...
Ballet club member : Hello--Excuse me! Do you have time--?
Arisa : Y- yes! W...what is it?
Ballet club member : I'm sorry. Our club is planning to add more variety to our recruitment poster. But, we have already submitted our form. Can we add some change to our form now?
Arisa : Eh!? T- that...
Rinko : that case... then... they need to...fill up a new form...
Arisa : Ah, I- I see, Is that so. Ummm... then, the new request form...
3rd-year student : Sorry for intruding. I have some question regarding this volunteer work--.
Gardening club member : I want to submit the form for our club activity.
Arisa : Eh, Wa, Wait a minute...
Auditor committee : Is the chairman here~? Eh, She is not here?
Broadcasting club member : Excuse me-, I'm from the broadcasting club--
Arisa : This is impossible!
Arisa : First I need to give the request form... This... not it. Ummm, The request form ...The request form... Eh, It's not in here? It's weird, it's supposed to be around here...
Arisa : Ah right. I put it in a different file earlier! But, where did I put that File? Ummmm...Arghhh...I don't understand anything anymore--!
Rinko : ( started to break down...!)
Rinko : (I'm panicking too right now...but...I must get a grip...! Because...I'm the student council president...!)
Rinko : First I need to calm down and take a deep breath.....Yosh.
Rinko : Ichigaya-san please take care of the ballet club first. While you were doing that...I'm going to explain about the volunteer work.
Arisa : Eh!? Y...yes! Let's see, the request form...Ah, here it is!
Rinko : It's going to be okay if you do it slowly...I leave it to you.
Rinko : For the gardening club, we need to check the form first... so please wait a minute. After that, the broadcasting club...
Rinko : The Auditor committee chairman... is taking a break today... so if there is something you need to check... please come again tomorrow...
Auditor committee member : Okayyy.
Rinko : (Thanks to Rinko-senpai, I can calm myself down. Then, if it's like this...)
Ballet club member : I have written it down. Is this okay?
Arisa : Let see...Yes, it's okay. I'm gonna put the form over here okay.
Arisa : After that, I need to take care of the gardening club, and then the broadcasting club. Rinko-senpai is in the middle of explaining the volunteer work, so... Rinko-senpai, please let me check the gardening club request form.
Rinko : Yes...Thank you very much.
Rinko : (I'm glad. It seem ... we can handle this...)
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