Ending - A new 'the same as always'
Ran : Watching Sunset from up here, It's been a while...
Ran : (It's only the first day of school so I don't think something will happen, but a lot of things actually happened...)
Ran : Our usual daily life is changing too little by little... To change is probably [The same as always]...
Ran : .. I want to continue that
Ran : ...
Moca : ...
Moca : Rann--.
Ran : WHOA!? MOCA!?
Ran : Don't surprise me like that...! Since when you were here?
Moca : Hmm---, From a while ago. But I was thinking that I have seen this scene before, so I held back my voice.
Ran : This kind of scene...?
Moca : The scene where Ran wrote something on his note on the roof. I still remember it, it's when we entered the second year in middle school.
Ran : ! You don't need to remember it!
Moca : Is that lyrics that you're writing?
Ran : Well, It's like that... I have some inspiration, so I wanted to hurry and give it form.
Ran : ...It's still unfinished, but do you want to see it?
Moca : Is it okay?
Ran : Either way I'm gonna show it to everyone when It's finished. So it doesn't matter if you see it know.
Moca : Hmmm--... No, it's okay. I'm gonna see it when it's finished--.
Ran : ? You don't want to see it? Even though in the past you always see my note without my concern.
Moca : I'm still young at that time.
Ran : I don't think you changed that much.
Moca : I think I have changed--. Just like you Ran.
Moca : In the middle school, the word you write in your note is to vent out your frustration, but now you write it with a happy feeling.
Ran : That's... probably true.
Tsugumi : Ah, They're still here. Ran-chan, Moca-chan.
Ran : Tsugumi? Himari and Tomoe too...? What about your club activities?
Tomoe : I forgot that my club activity starts tomorrow.
Himari : Me too. When I enter the club room there is no new member~.
Moca : How about Tsugu? What happens to Hina-senpai~?
Tsugumi : That, It seems Hina-senpai have something urgent to do.
Himari : Eh?
Tsugumi : It's about Pasupare, she forgets that she has work to do...
Ran : Just like Hina-san.
Tomoe : And because of that, we have nothing to do now.
Himari : Let's do something since we have the time.
Ran : What should we do?
Himari : Hmmm. Shopping? Or going to Karaoke?
Tomoe : Just talking while drinking tea is nice too, we can go to Tsugu place.
Moca : Hmmmm, How about we created a song?
Tsugumi : Created a song?
Himari : You mean creating a new song? Why so suddenly?
Moca : Well--, Ran seems to have created something new--.
Ran : Eh?
Moca : Ran, I see her write a new lyrics in her note--.
Tomoe : New lyrics? I saw you write something in your note in the middle of the break, is that it?
Tsugumi : Come to think of it, I also saw you write something in the middle of the class...? I don't think you write a note for the class though...
Himari : Ah, I saw her write something too!
Ran : So everyone saw it...!?
Moca : Seem so--.
Ran : After experiencing this one day, I feel like a [New the same as always] is starting...
Ran : It seem interesting to make what I'm feeling today into a lyrics.
Himari : A new the same as always huh... Isn't that good!
Tsugumi : I want to create a new song too. It will become our new song after entering 2nd-year!
Moca : It seems everyone in high spirit--, Ran.
Ran : O, okay...
Tomoe : Then we decided on our plan!
Moca : Let's make the best emo song--. Ey, Ey, OHH--.
Himari : Wait, Moca! That's mine--!
Ran - Tsugumi - Tomoe : Ahahahaha.
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