Chapter 4 - Fateful first impression

== Cleaning time ==

Ran : Moca, bring me the dustpan.
Moca : Oka~y, Hiichan, the dustpan please~.
Himari : Okayy--...Wait, why did you tell that to me~!? Moca is the one that being asked!
Moca : You noticed~? I thought you'll do it immediately, but it seems it's not the case~.
Himari : Of course I'll notice right away!
Ran : Just bring me the dustpan already...
Tsugumi : Tomoe-chan, could you please sweep this place too?
Tomoe : Ahhhh, Leave it to me. Let's finish this quickly and go back to the classroom.
Tomoe : ...hmm, eh...?
Tsugumi : Is there something wrong?
Tomoe : No, but that over there...
Tsugumi: ? It's a group of first-year student? Looks like they're looking at a wall poster?
Tomoe : That poster that they are looking at is actually a member recruitment poster for my club.
Tsugumi : Tomoe-chan's club is...Dance club, right?
Tomoe : If They're looking at my club recruitment poster at this time, then they're probably a new student whasave just entered this school.
Tsugumi : Fufu, looks like they are interested in your dance club. It's your chance to recruit new member.
Tomoe : Y- You're right! Yosh, I'm gonna try to talk to them!
Tsugumi : Ehh, W- what about the cleaning?
Ran : Tsugumi? What's wrong with Tomoe?
Tsugumi : Look like she's trying to talk to a group of girls over there who are looking at a dance club recruitment poster ...
Himari : So she went there. Tomoe, she looked very excited.
Ran : ? But. don't they look scared?
Himari : Now that you said it, it seems like that...
Tsugumi : Come to think of it, Tomoe-chan... In the past there are many people in our class who scared of her., right?
Himari : Ahhh, I remember that! It's at 1 year of middle school, right?
Moca : Tomochin appearance is really flashy, so everyone probably thinks of her as a delinquent.
Ran : I saw a senior use polite speech to talk to Tomoe.
Himari : That, I have seen that too...
Moca : Maybe, it's Tomoe's fate to make everyone afraid of her on her first impression ...
Tsugumi : B- But, At that time the misunderstanding is cleared immediately, right! In the end, she gets along with everyone in the class and the senior as well!
Himari : R -Right! If everyone talks to her, then they will definitely come to like Tomoe!
Moca : Hmm~. But, before the misunderstand become larger, isn't it better for her to back away~?
Ran : It's true, it seems they're backing away little by little.. Also, It seem Tomoe is getting flustered as well.
Himari : W- we must save her! Let's tell them that Tomoe is not a delinquent!
Ran : Eh...? Won't it be better if don't do anything unnecessary?
Himari : Geez~! Don't say it like it's somebody else problem! Come on, Ran come with me too!
Ran : I- I said wait...!
Moca : Take care~.
Tsugumi : Will they be okay....?
Moca : Ohh, It seem Himari and Ran are already engaging them?
Tsugumi : Good luck, Ran-chan, Himari-chan!
Moca : Oh, the 1st-year students is running away--? And the three of them also coming back to here-
Ran - Tomoe : ......
Tsugumi : Did you clear up the misunderstanding?
Himari : That, After they see Ran's streaked hair, they become more and more agitated and run away...
Ran : It's the worst. They think of me as delinquent too...
Tomoe : I feel we have done a bad thing to them...
Himari : By the way~. Why did you bring Ran instead of Tsugu?
Tsugumi : Eh? Me?
Moca : Because, If it's Tsugu then she will definitely make a good first impression~. Also, Tsugu is a part of the Student Council, so they will definitely recognize her, right~?
Himari : T- That's right~! I should bring Tsugu for a time like this~!
Moca : Hiichan selection is a miss~.
Ran : Sorry for making a bad first impression...


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