Chapter 2 - Discussing the meaning of 'Cool'

== Hazawa coffee shop ==

Moca : Then [The first meeting to search for the meaning of the word 'cool' for Ako-chin] begins. Yea-y.
Ako : Yea--y!
Moca : Our drink and cakes have arrived too, so let's think about it immediately--.
Moca : Then, Udagawa Ako-kun! Can Ako-kun write everything that you consider to be something cool in here--.
Ako : Eh? Everything?
Moca : Right--. Before this, I did something like this too with Afterglow when we try to search the meaning of [New - The same as always]...
Moca : And that method is quite effective~. That's why, how about Ako-chin try it too--.
Ako : I- I understand! Ummm, The thing that Ako consider to be something cool is...
Ako : Hmmm, I could only think about this much?
Moca : HmmHmm--...This is...I see~...?
Ako : Eh! Moca-chin, you already figured out something!?
Moca : Nope. Not yet. Roselia, Tomo-chin...Necromancer--...?
Ako : Necromancer is a job that Ako use in NFO! He used the power of darkness and his weapon is so cool! It's black and full of darkness! It's just so cool!!
Moca : Ako-chin think that everyone who has the power of darkness is cool--? Hmm--? Then Tomo-chin have the power of darkness too?
Ako : Hmm--, Onee-chan is a bit different, I think? But she's is cool!
Moca : What about Roselia?
Ako : Yep!! Roselia has the power of darkness too!!
Moca : ...
Ako : Moca-chin?
Moca : ....Give me some time. Let me eat this cake first~.
Ako : I understand! Then, I'm going to eat this too! Itadakimasu!!
Moca : It seems~, this discussion will take longer than I thought.
Ako : Moca-chin, I'm sorry...
Moca : Don't mind it--. We could think about it while eating this cake.
Ako : Ah, right! Ako also think that the relationship between Moca-chin and Ran-chan is cool too, you know!
Moca : Me and Ran? Is that so?
Ako : Yep! I think everyone in Afterglow is cool, but the atmosphere between Moca-chin and Ran-chan is just like [You know what each other is thinking without saying any word], isn't that cool?
Moca : Fufufu~. Ako-chin, so you noticed that--.
Ako : Ehehe--, of course, I noticed it--. If both of you play NFO, then both of you will definitely defeat many monsters while protecting each other back~.
Ako : "Moca leave this to me!" "Ran, let's do this~!" or something like that~!!
Moca : Ahaha~. Thank you--. But, Ako-chin goal is Tomo-chin, right--?
Ako : That's true, but Moca-chin and Ran-chan are cool too!
Moca : Thank you--. But you see, the thing that Ako-chin consider to be something cool is too many, even Moca-sensei having a hard time now~.
Ako : Uuu, I'm sorry Moca-chin...
Moca : Don't mind. But--, In the past Ako-chin never said something like the power of darkness, right. Since when you begin to say something like that?
Ako : Hmmm, Since when? I can't remember.
Moca : What was Ako-chin like in the past--?
Ako : Hmmm--... It probably the same as now~.
Moca : Certainly, you've always been an energetic kid since before. I still remember, when we play a game of tag, you always want to become 'it'.
Ako : Yep! Because if you become 'It' then you need to run a lot, right! ...Ako, can't run that fast, but I like to move a lot.
Moca : Ako-chin haven't changed that much, but the things that you like is increasing.
Moca : The thing that you like is the thing that you consider to be...Hmmm~ No, that's no it~ I lack sugar~. Excuse me, can I order one more cake set, please.
Ako : EH!? Moca-chin, you still want to eat more!?
Moca : I need more sugar~. If I lack sugar then I can't use my brain~.
Ako : I- is that so--?
Moca : That's right~.
Moca : (Knowing what each other is thinking without saying any word...huh.)
Moca : (It's not like that at all though~.)


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