Chapter 1 - Our new school life (1)

== Lunch break ==
== Haneoka girls' High school - 2-A classroom ==

Tomoe : Let's have lunch, everyone--.
Himari : Okay! Sigh--, I'm hungry--.
Tsugumi : It's because we have P.E class this morning. My stomach is grumbling too~.
Moca : Even so, it's become more convenient now that Ran is in our class~.
Ran : I ended up on a different class not because I like it.
Hina : Tsuuuguuu-channn!!
Tsugumi : Whoa! Hina-senpai! What is it? We don't have any student council activity this afternoon, right...
Hina : There is! It has been decided just now!
Ran : Ha?
Hina : Look, Last time we're thinking about holding an event where we clean the entire school, right? Concerning that, I have already think of something.
Hina : That's why, even though we don't have any plan today, let's do it now! Ran-chan and the other, I'm gonna borrow Tsugu-chan for a bit--!
Tsugumi : EH!? Wa- Wait Hina-senpai!?
Tsugumi : Everyone~~~~! I'm sorry, I'll join you later~~~~!!!
Moca : Rest in peace...
Himari : To think that Hina-senpai enters the student council~. Tsugu has it hard.
Tomoe : Hina-senpai is a bit eccentric. But she is really energetic and interesting, so it's fine, isn't it?
Ran : But, taking away Tsugu just like that.
Ako : Oneeee-chann!!
Tomoe : Oh, Ako! What is it?
Ako : Ehehe-. I just want to visit you because we're already in the same school now.
Himari : Ako-chan has become a high school student now~. How is it? Your high school life?
Ako : Yep, it's fun!
Tomoe : Come to think of it, You're in the same class with Kasumi little sister, right?
Ran : Hee--, Is that so. So her sister doesn't enter Hanajou.
Ako : It seems she already decided to enter Haneoka from long before!
Himari : Is that so. Fufu, I'm still not used to seeing Ako-chan wearing this blazer.
Ako : Ehehehe--. It's the same Blazer that Onee-chan wear! It's cool, right--!
Tomoe : It really suits you Ako.
Moca : We still haven't get used to our new necktie and skirt color too, right~. Somehow it feels a bit weird~.
Ran : It feels strange....Eh.
Yukina : ....Ah.
Tomoe : Minato-san! Good morning. Why did you come to the 2nd-year classroom? Is there something you need?
Yukina : No, that...
Kaoru : Hey, Yukina! Did you get lost in this school most famous labyrinth too?
Himari : Even Kaoru-senpai is here! Why is the 3rd-year coming over here?
Tomoe : Could it be, both of you...
Lisa : Ah, there they are~! Oyyy, Yukina, Kaoru~!
Kaoru : Hey, Lisa! Even Maya is here! Did both of you...
Lisa : Nope. the 3rd-year classroom is upstairs! Geez, Don't get lost like that~. I thought you went off somewhere!
Tomoe : As I thought, both of them come to the wrong classroom...
Ran : Minato-san, the 3rd-year classroom is not on this floor, you know.
Yukina : You didn't need to say it.
Lisa : Don't fight! Come on, We have already promised to eat lunch together right? If we don't hurry then we can't get a good spot in the courtyard.
Maya : Let's go, Kaoru-san! Then, see you later everyone!
Moca : See ya~.
Tomoe : ...Somehow, If I were to say it.
Ran : Our senpai hasn't changed at all even after they enter their 3rd-year.
Tomoe : Ahahaha...But, it made me feel a bit relieved.
Himari : Hey, did you see that? Kaoru-san smiled a bit when our gaze met.
Ran : ...You haven't changed at all too.
Moca : Same as always~.


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