Ending - The proper path
Ako :...Then, In the end, Sayo-san will BANNGG! After she does that the power of darkness will BOOOMMM!.
Ran : ...
Ako : Then, Ako will bam, bam, bam, bam...BOOOM!!... and that's the end!!
Asuka :...I see.
Ako : And that's it! The super cool explosive Roselia Live concept that Ako thinks of! How is it!?
Ako : Ako thinks, the best way to explain what the word 'Cool' means is to explain it using Roselia Live as an example.
Ran : Somewhat, I get the feeling that it's something awesome.
Moca : The gate to Ako-chin's world is completely open~
Ako : Right!?
Moca : Especially, that time when Minato-san introduces the member using a spell, I get the feeling that it's just like Ako-chin~.
Ran : Eh...So that's what it means by [Using the spell that was chanted by Yukina-san, the member will appear.]?
Ako : Yes, that's right!
Asuka : Then. what do you mean by [When things get more exciting, the power of darkness that dwell inside Ako is restored]?
Ako : That's...just like what it said! The power of darkness is restored~!
Moca : Probably, when the audience becoming more excited, Ako-chin performance is becoming more...WAAAAA, right?
Ako : Right, right! It's becoming more WAAAA!
Asuka : Waaa--, is it...
Ran : First thing first, I understand that this power of darkness is a dangerous thing.
Asuka : Then...
Asuka : In the end, what do you mean by 'cool'...? Is it the power of darkness...?
Ako : Ehhh---!? I already explain it to you just now--!
Ako : What did I mean by 'Cool' is, just like the Live that you see just now---!
Ako : The power of darkness is becoming more and more WAAAAA, and then the five members of Roselia is becoming one...
Asuka : Well, I somewhat understand that Roselia is cool.
Asuka : Also, the thing that Ako likes? I understand why Ako like the thing that has a connection with darkness.
Moca : Well, Even though we haven't understand about it completely, Ako-chin have somewhat explained the meaning of the word 'Cool' to us, I think~.
Ako : Pout~~~! But, If Ako can explain it better, then I could express the coolness of Roselia more, right...
Ako : Uuuuu~...Ako will try harder so I could explain the coolness of Roselia more and more--!
Moca : That's the spirit, Ako-kun!
Rokka : A- Ako-chan, Asuka-chan! We need to move to a different class for our next lesson!
Ako : Moca-chin, thanks for helping Ako. Ran-chan and Onee-chan too, thanks for listening!
Asuka : This is bad, the teacher for our next class is so scary when he is angry! Let's go!
Moca : Ako-chin, see you later~.
Ran : Moca, why did you understand Ako word?
Moca : Hmm~? Well, I know the things that Ako likes. Using that as a reference, I could somewhat understand her.
Moca : But you see, just know, don't you think that Ako-chin is really cool?
Ran : In what part?
Moca : I mean, look. There are some parts that we cannot understand, but she says what she wants to do clearly ~.
Moca : She works really hard to explain the meaning of the word 'Cool' to everyone.
Moca : In the end, even though Asuka-chan and the others still didn't really understand it, she still explained it somewhat to them.
Moca : Ako-chan, Tomo-chin and also Minato-san, when they want to do something, they believe in themselves. and then start running to their goal without any wavering.
Moca : And that is...Hey~, Are you listening Ran, Tomo-chin~?
Ran : Well, I'm listening, but...
Tomoe : Moca, just know you're really fervent in your speech.
Moca : Eh, is that so~?
Ran : To think there's is something that could make Moca speak fervently like that other than bread.
Moca : Geez~. Don't say it like that~.
Ran : I noticed one thing when I heard Moca speech earlier.
Ran : You can't only chase the person that you admire. Just like Ako, you must have the resolve to reach them. That's definitely the path that Ako walked in.
Moca : Tomo-chin. Ako-chin is super cool, right?
Tomoe : Ahaha...More than anything, I'm happy that she doesn't mention me at all. But, I'm sure that in the path that Ako created, I'm in there too.
Tomoe : So I don't lose to her, I need to keep on running.
Moca : Can I become cool like Ako-chin too, I wonder~? Just like Master Ako--!
Tomoe : If you're going to call Ako as your master, then you need to call me as a master too, right? I'm Ako's master after all.
Ran : Master Tomoe, seem like a pain.
Tomoe : Oy. don't say something like that!
Ran : By the way, what did Moca consider to be something cool?
Moca : That's a secret~.
Moca : ( To keep on chasing someone, I need to decide on my own path. I need to the thing that I have decided...)
Moca : (That is the thing that I must do now. That's probably the thing I consider to be something [Cool].)
Moca : (....Yep. I hope I could become like that. My cool self.)
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