Chapter 2 - Interaction with the unknown

== Few days later ==
== Practice studio ==

Maya : Everyone, sorry for the wait!
Aya : Ah, Maya-chan. have you told the agency people?
Maya : I have told them not to enter the studio because we want to concentrate on training.
Hina : Yoshh, then Mogu-chan, you can come out from the cardboard box now.
Mogu-chan : Mogumogu~.
Chisato : ...
Aya : Is there something wrong, Chisato-chan?
Chisato : No, it's just that, I've already considered this weird situation as something normal ...
Aya : Ahaha, because keeping underground people like this is something that rarely happens, right.
Chisato : This is something that should never have happened ...
Maya : Mogu-san has become more energetic. His injured is getting better too.
Eve  That's because Hina-san treated him very well!
Aya : Even when there's no practice, you still come here to take care of Mogu-chan, right.
Hina : Of course. However, because I come here every day, the staff thinks that I become really motivated .
Maya : Right now, The staff is searching for a job for Hina-san.
Aya : Ehhh~! Even though I upload my selfie in the SNS everyday~!
Maya : Ahahah, Even so, the staff still hasn't noticed that we are keeping Mogu-san here.
Eve : I thought that keeping Mogu-san in here will become something difficult.
Hina : That's because we put him in the storage room. There are so many things there, also no one comes over there, that's why we can hide Mogu-chan easily there.
Chisato : The staff would never think that there's some weird creature in here...
Hina : ...Ah, That's right! Hear me out!
Eve : What is it?
Hina : Mogu-chan is awesome, you know! Mogu-chan, please show them that!
Aya : Did you teach him some trick?
Mogu-chan : That's not it mogu.
Aya : Ah, Is that!!?
Aya - Maya - Chisato - Eve : EEEEEHHHHHHH!!?
Eve : I- It talked...!
Hina : It's awesome, isn't it--! He learned our language in just a few days!
Chisato : It's not only about learning our language...!
Maya : C- come to think of it, Mogu-san is the one that flying that UFO, right...
Maya : We always consider him as a pet, but maybe he is an intelligence creature ...!
Aya : Y- you already talk with him, Hina-chan?
Hina : Yep, he taught me a lot of things. And as I thought, Mogu-chan is an underground people.
Hina : He lives in some place called the Mogumogu Kingdom. He comes here to research about the surface, right?
Mogu-chan : We want to know what it's like on the surface mogu. Until now there's no interaction between the surface and the underground, but there will definitely be some kind of interaction in the future mogu.
Mogu-chan : To prepare for that, we want to determine whether the people on the surface are friendly creatures that we can get along with or not.
Hina : Also, he said that the reason he crashed was because his research ship had engine problems.
Eve : Is that so...
Mogu-chan : But I get better because of everyone mogu! I only need to repair my research ship so I can go home mogu!
Hina : Then, I'll help you with repairing your ship! I want to see the inside of the UFO--!
Maya : T, that, about that research ship... Have you seen the news?
Hina : News? Yes, I thought that there will be some kind of uproar because of the sighting of a UFO.
Hina : But unexpectedly, there isn't any uproar at all--. They said that the one that crashed in the park is just a meteorite.
Chisato : ...There is someone who silences the media to avoid commotion.
Maya : Yes, I'm afraid so...
Maya : Also, I visited the park once again to check how the crash site has become... But, I don't see any sign of the research ship there.
Aya : Eh? Then, how can Mogu-chan go home?
Chisato : He can't go home...
Mogu-chan : I can't go home mogu...? I want to go home...
All : .....
Hina : I- it's okay! I'll definitely make you go home!
Aya : T- that's right! We'll definitely found a way if we think about it together!
Eve : Yes! We're going to help you!
Maya : But, how could we do that...
Chisato : ? Wait, there's some commotion outside...!

== Idol agency - Corridor ==

Aya : What is it? There are so many people in black suit...?
Staff : W- what are you all doing here...!?
Government agent : We're from the government. There is some kind of unknown lifeform in this building, please let us inspect this building.
Chisato : Unknown lifeform, don't tell me...!
Eve : They come here to capture Mogu-san!?
Maya : The government agency that Hina-san talk about... isn't just something from movie or manga...!
Chisato : But, why would they know that he is in this place...?
Hina : Everyone, come here! We're going to escape from the emergency exit!


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