Chapter 5 - Help request from another member

== Shopping district ==

Kokoro : What is it Misaki? Why are you so surprised. What is inside the bag?
Misaki : T- This is...
Misaki : Haguminchi... Croquette...
All : Ehh!?
Misaki : Look! This is Haguminchi's croquette, right?
Hagumi : Wa~! It's true! So that's why I smell something similar coming from the bag earlier!
Kokoro : Awesome! We get this so many croquettes, I'm so happy!!
Kaoru : Also, it's still piping hot. Look at the steam...Aaaa, how fleeting.
Kanon : Haha..hahaha... It doesn't become something like in the straw millionaire in the end.
Misaki : When we come to Hagumi's house before this, they served us this croquette too, right...
Misaki : Well-, but. This croquette would probably make someone smile too.
Kanon : Fufufu, It's definitely like that. As expected, Hello happy should be like this.
Hagumi : Then, This croquette! Let's eat it together!! Itadakimasu~---.
Kokoro : Hagumi! Wait a minute!! We can't eat it here. If we want for [everyone] in the smile patrol squad to eat it together, then we must go there!
Hagumi : Eh? There? What do you mean by that?
Kokoro : Fufufu, then everyone, follow me! Smile patrol squad, Depart---!!

== CiCRLE Lobby ==

Marina : Sigh~, So busy~. But it's only a little bit more. I must work hard for the sake of everyone who comes to the event! Umm, next is...
Kokoro : Marina~~~! Hello!
Marina : Eh, Kokoro-chan!? The other is also here! ...Why did you suddenly come here?
Kokoro : I received some croquette earlier from Ako, so I planned to eat it with everyone in the Smile patrol squad. This morning, Marina has joined the Smile patrol squad, right? That's why I come here.
Marina : Smile patrol squad... Come to think of it, I did something like that...
Hagumi : I see~~! Come to think of it, Marina-san is one of Smile patrol squad too! Hagumi forgets about that.
Hagumi : I'm sorry, Marina-san!
Marina : Even if you apologize to me, I still haven't understand the situation completely... What is this all about? Can somebody explain it to me?
Misaki : Well--, The one who could explain this to you is only me and Kanon-san... This morning, do you remember when we cleaning up trash. Then----
Marina : I see, so it's like that. I finally understand! Thank you for thinking about me, Kokoro-chan.
Kokoro : That's obvious! I mean, Marina is a member of Smile patrol squad too after all! That's why let's eat this croquette together, Marina!
Marina : Okay! Then, I'm going to eat it without reservation! Ummm, Which should I pick for---. Then, I'm going to---.
*Phone ringing*
Marina : Ah, wait a second. I'm going to pick up this call first... Yes, hello, this is CiRCLE...
Marina : ...Eh!? Really!? Okay, I understand. Ah, You don't need to mind about us. More than that, you should get a proper rest...Yes, then see you later.
Hagumi : Marina-san? Did something happen?
Marina : Y, yes... One of the members of the band that was supposed to participate in today event is injured, so they couldn't perform today...
All : Ehhh!?
Marina : The injury is not something serious, but it seems that she can't play her instrument for a while...
Marina : Hmmm~, This is troubling~...Even if I search for replacement now---...Ah.
Marina : U, umm, Smile patrol squad... I have some request... will you hear me out?
Misaki : ...Eh? ...Don't tell me?
Kokoro : What is it? If it's to make people smile, then we will hear you out! We're the Smile patrol squad after all.

== CiCRLE stage ==

Kokoro : Everyone~~~, Are you happy today? For the last performance, we're the one that is going to perform!
Audience : ...Eh? The last performance is Hello happy!?
Kokoro : Fufufu, Today we're not going to perform as Hello happy! We're the Smile patrol squad!!
Kanon : Kokoro-chan... It seems the audience is confused...
Kanon : Fufu, to tell you truth, the band that was supposed to perform for the last performance has some kind of accident. So we're going to perform in their place today. Are you happy with it, little kitten?
Audience : The real Kaoru-san...So cool...!!
Hagumi : Hagumi will do our best to make everyone smile!! Let's do out best, Kanon-chan-senpai! Michelle!
Kanon - Michelle : Yes!!
Audience : Waa~, The real Michelle!! Michelle, Look over here~, So cute~~!!
Misaki : (Even though We decided to perform in a Live so suddenly, the people in the black suit is already prepared this Michelle costume. What kind of person are they...?)
Kokoro : Then, everyone, Let's do this~~~~! Happy--! Lucky--! Smile--------!
All : Patrooolll---!!!


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