Ending - All up!
Hina : Haa, Haa...We arrived! At the meeting place!
Maya : We finally arrived here. Thanks to Eve-chan who took care of the government agents.
Aya : Is this really the meeting place? I don't see anyone here...?
Hina : Wait. Look at the star, It's shining...
Eve : ! That's not a star!
Chisato : It's about time. 3...2...1...
All : !!!!!
Eve : There are so many lights gathered here!
Aya : Awesome! Is this all UFO!
Hina : They come ... to pick up Mogu-chan.
Mogu-chan : Thank you, everyone. You helped me return my home mogu.
Mogu-chan : Hina, Chisato, Maya, Eve, Aya... You all convinced me that we can become friends with people on the surface in the future.
Hina : Ahaha, didn't we already become a friend!
Mogu-chan : Hina...That's right mogu. This is the first friendship between underground people and the people on the surface mogu.
Eve : ! Mogu-san body is floating!
Maya : Mogu-san is being sucked by the UFO...!
Aya : Goodbye, Mogu-chan--!
Chisato : Take care of yourself. You must drive more carefully next time, okay?
Maya : Mogu-san, Please come to the surface again-!
Eve : The next time we meet, I'll teach you about bushido!
Hina : ....
Chisato : (! She's crying...!?)
Hina : Bye bye, Mogu-chan.
Movie staff : That scene conclude the shooting, Pastel*Palettes, all up!
(TN: In Japan, if the shooting for a drama/movie/film has ended the staff will say "オールアップ (All up)")
Hina : Nghhh--! It's over~! Good work everyone~!
Aya : Ahaha, Good work. It finally over.
Maya : Somehow I feel it's been a long time since the shooting began.
Eve : Yes, what a long road until we arrive here...
Chisato : Fufu, it seems everyone becomes more relaxed now.
Aya : That's because we're always nervous during the shooting...
Eve : But, this is our first time doing this, so I learn a lot from this!
Maya : Usually, we're always behind the scenes, but now we can feel how it feels to stand in the spotlight.
Aya : Ehehe, My acting skill is improving thanks to this.
Hina : Did Aya-chan acting skill really...
Chisato : Improving...?
Aya : Eeee~! You two are so mean~!!
Chisato : Fufu, but you're right. I am glad that everyone takes your own acting seriously.
Chisato : Also there is something that makes me surprised... Right, Hina-chan?
Hina : Hmm? What is it?
Chisato : That tear that you shed at the final scene with Mogu-chan is really great.
Chisato : To think you could pull off an adlib like that...
Hina : Aaahh-- Well, it's not in the script, but, if it was me, then I probably will do something like that ...
Hina : If I really become friends with Mogu-chan, but then we have to separate, then I will definitely cry.
Chisato : Is that so...
Maya : As expected of Hina-san! You have a talent for acting...!
Hina : Ahaha, Is that so? It's just because I act as myself, I could do something like that!
Hina : Also, Chisato-chan is more awesome than me, right?
Chisato : Eh? Did I do something?
Hina : Your advice helped us Chisato-chan!
Aya : No matter what happens, continue your acting until you heard the voice of the director...Because of that advice, we become less nervous during the shoot.
Maya : Yes. At first, we're planning to act without doing any mistake.
Eve : But you teach us that even if we do a mistake, it's not the end!
Aya : You also help me before... I'm sorry for mistaking my roles at that time...
Hina : Aya-chan doesn't notice at all. That is really weird--.
Aya : D- don't laugh~.
Eve : It's just like you, Chisato-chan!
Chisato : Just like me?
Eve : Yes, Chisato-chan always help us when some kind of trouble happen!
Maya : Ahaha, it certainly is!
Chisato : I- is that so...? I'm glad I could help you all...
Hina : Ah, right! how about we watch the movie together when it's finished?
Maya : At the cinema? We could see it at the movie premiere before it being released to the public, you know?
Hina : I know that, but I want to see the audience's reaction!
Chisato : It's okay if you want to check the audience reaction... but will it be okay if the five of us go together?
Maya : If the audience noticed us, then we'll only create trouble...
Hina : It's gonna be okay! Nobody will notice us if we're wearing a disguise!
Eve : Fufu, I'm looking forward to it!
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