Opening - Unexplainable word

== Lunch break ==
== Haneoka girls' high school - 1-A Classroom ==

Ako : Nghhh~~~! Finally lunch break...I'm hungry~.
Asuka : The lesson in Haneoka is so difficult. To think Ako could keep up with it.
Ako : Ako was born in the darkness...Ummm, well let just say that I have that kind of power!
Asuka : I see... Ah, Rokka do you want to eat together with us.
Rokka : Y, yes! Let's eat together!
Ako : I must eat properly because I have a practice scheduled with Roselia after this!
Asuka : You're really busy with your practice. Just like my sister, She always practices until late at night.
Rokka : Roselia's practice must be very hard.
Ako : It's really hard~! But I love Roselia and I want to make Roselia become much cooler! That why I work really hard!
Asuka : Cool, huh.
Classmate A : Udagawa-san is Roselia's member, right? Could you tell us more about Roselia~!
Classmate B : I want to hear it too!
Ako : Ehehe~! Of course~!
Ako : Roselia is--, really cool you know----.
Ako : Also at that time, Sayo-san guitar is BOOM and then combined with Lisa-nee's bass, she...
Ako : Anyways, It's super cool! Ehehehe, awesome right--?
Asuka : ...
Rokka : ...
Classmate A : You could practice together with Yukina-senpai and Sayo-san, I'm jealous! What kind of person are they?
Ako : You see, They are really cool, you know! Yukina-san and Sayo-san personality is a bit cold. They are really strict, but they are really dependable!
Ako : Lisa-nee always bake us some cookies, she's really kind, but when she played her instrument, her performance is the most powerful. She's really cool~!
Ako : Rinrin is the one that makes Roselia's costume! Awesome, right! When I wear the costume that she makes, It feels like ummm... the power of darkness in my body is overflowing and BANG!
Classmate : How envious... Udagawa-san probably now the side of Yukina-senpai that nobody knows, right--...
Classmate : I will come to the next Live! Please tell us more about Roselia!
Ako : Yes!! Please come to our Live~!!
Ako : I'm happy that there are many people who know about Roselia~...!
Ako : Fu, Fu, Fu--. As I thought, Roselia is so cool~.
Asuka : Cool, huh. Yep,
Rokka : That's right, isn't it...
Ako : Eh? What with that reaction.
Asuka : I noticed this when I listen to your talk, But I can't understand what Ako mean by [Cool]...
Ako : But, Cool is cool.
Asuka : I know that, but can you explain to me why it's so cool...
Ako : About that... umm...
Asuka : ...Ah! Sorry, I don't mean it that way. I just want to know what kind of thing that Ako considered to be something cool...
Asuka : I think other people don't understand the coolness of Roselia that Ako speaks of.
Ako : Pout~...
Rokka : W, whoa...! Ako-chan, Asuka-chan, don't fight...!
Ako : I have decided...! Ako will search the meaning of the word... cool!
Ako : So that I can explain the Coolness of Roselia better!!
Ako : ...Ah, I said 'cool' again.
Asuka : Ahaha...It's fine, isn't it?
Ako : Yosssh, I'm gonna do my best!! Asuka, Rokka! Wait for me! Because I'm gonna think about it properly!!

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