Chapter 3 - Short break

== Idol agency - Corridor ==

Hina : Everyone, come here! We're going to escape from the emergency exit!
??? : CUT---!!
Hina : Haaa...It finally ended--!
Chisato : Good work. Your acting is really good.
Eve : Thank you very much! I'm happy to hear that from Chisato-san!
Chisato : But you don't need to put that much effort into this, you know? I think it's okay if you slack off a bit...
Maya : No! We must put our best effort into this!
Maya : I mean, in this movie, Pasupare is the main character! So we must put our feeling into it!
Aya : Yep! This an SF movie where we get to play as ourself!
Aya : But there is something that makes me curious...
Hina : What is it?
Aya : My personality in this movie is like someone who is really addicted to SNS ... I like SNS, but not that much. Do people think of me as someone like that ...?
Maya : They probably exaggerated our personality a bit.
Maya : I like talking about machinery, but in this film, I become someone who really loves everything about machinery.
Eve : I see, that's why I became someone who always carried a wooden sword. I finally understand now.
Hina : Ahahaha, That's because Eve-chan really likes bushido, right...
Hina : But, if it like that... do I look like someone who will keep an underground people as a pet?
Aya : If it's you, then yes probably...
Hina : But I won't keep it in the agency--. If I want to raise it, I'll keep it in my house. And then give it a name together with Onee-chan.
Maya : So, in the end, you will keep it...
Hina : Of course. But even if there are some parts that are exaggerated, everything else is the same---.
Chisato : ... I think my personality is a bit different.
Eve : I don't see any difference though?
Chisato : In the movie, my personality is someone who will do anything for all of you.
Chisato : In the movie, I give you permission to keep the underground people, but in reality, I definitely won't allow it.
Aya : Hmm--, But I think Chisato-chan is someone who will give us permission, in the end, you know?
Eve : Yes. It's just like Chisato-san!
Chisato : I- is that so...?
Maya : Even if Chisato-san doesn't think like that, but everyone around you thinks of you as someone like that.
Hina : You're the one who always supports us in the event or TV show after all.
Chisato : I- I see...
Maya : But, acting is difficult right. We cause so many trouble by doing so many NG...
Hina : You don't need to mind about that. I mean, Aya-chan did 3 times more NG than you Maya-chan.
Aya : Uuuu, don't say that~!
Eve : I'm really scared because Aya-san's dialogue is decreasing day by day...!
Maya : They even cut the scene where Aya-san interacting with Mogu-san...
Aya : Uuuu, Even though I've been waiting so long for that scene~1
Chisato : It can't be helped, you need an exceptional acting skill to perform that scene with Mogu-chan
Hina : Even though they said they would add some expressions using CG later, in the end, it was just a doll.
Maya : They did control his hands and feet using a remote control, but it must have been difficult to do acting in front of that...
Aya : Sigh, I need to make sure my scene doesn't decrease more than this......
Eve : It's really scary when our scene is decreasing... after this, there will be an action scene, will I be okay...
Chisato : That scene is where Eve-chan will play a big role, right.
Eve : Yes, I would be sad if they cut that scene because I did it badly ...
Hina : You don't need to worry! I've seen your training for the action scene and I think you were really cool!
Eve : Thank you very much... It'll be great if I can display the same thing when the real things start...
Maya : I understand why you're so uneasy...
Aya : Uuuu, me too~! Chisato-chan give some advice~1
Chisato : Even if you said that...
Maya : Please give me some advice too...! If you know something that could improve my acting skill, then, please...!
Chisato : I can't give you any advice that could make you improve your acting skill in just one night...but if you want still some advice...then.
Chisato : Even if you did something wrong, just do your acting until you hear the voice of the director.
Eve : Even if we did something wrong, we keep on acting?
Aya : Eh, it's okay to do that?
Chisato : There are many types of Directors. There is a director who wants to make a scene like what is written in the script, and also a director who will change the script depending on what happened when he directed the shoot.
Chisato : And our director is the latter I think. Even if there some kind of mistake, he doesn't stop the camera, right?
Aya : Ah, now that you said it...!
Chisato : That's because he wanted to know how the actor would improvise, he wanted to know whether the actor could make the scene better than what was in the script.
Chisato : Look at Hina-chan, she usually doesn't follow the dialogue written in the script. But he doesn't say anything about it.
Aya : It certainly is...! The director doesn't really care if we do some adlib!
Aya : But, I think she is doing too much adlib...
Hina : Because the dialogue in the script is wrong. If he wants me to play as myself, then I need to change some dialogues into something that fit me.
Maya : In the end, it became something the director wanted in the film...
Chisato : Yes. That's why even if you forget some dialogue or did some mistake just continue the acting.
Chisato : We rarely do something like this. So it better if we have some fun rather than just being nervous all the time.


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