Chapter 2 - Our new school life (2)

== Lunch break ==
== Hanasakigawa girls' High school - 3-A Classroom ==

Kanon : Chisato-chan, let's have lunch.
Chisato : Okay. Ah, come to think of it, Aya-chan said that she wants to join us today...
Aya : Chisato-chan, let's eat lunch together~!
Chisato : Fufu, Okay. Let's eat together.
Aya : What about Sayo-chan and Rinko-chan?
Kanon : They said they need to take care of some student council work.
Aya : I see. Sigh~...I want to be in the same class as the four of you too.
Chisato : To think only Aya-chan who ended up in a different class.
Aya : It's unfair~! You're all so lucky~!
Kanon : Even so, we could still eat lunch together like this. Let's go to the courtyard, Aya-chan.

== Hanasakigawa girls' High school - Student council room ==

Sayo : ...
Rinko : ...
Arisa : ...
Kasumi : Arisa! Let me...
Arisa : You... Why did you come here.
Sayo : Keep in mind that we're still working here.
Rinko : Yes. But...If you want to have a small conversation...then, It's still okay...
Arisa : Don't do anything stupid, okay.
Kasumi : Ehhh~...
Arisa : Read the mood!

== Hanasakigawa girls' High school - Courtyard==

Aya : Waaa--...The courtyard is already full.
Kanon : It seems that everyone is thinking the same things as us.
Eve : Aya-san! Everyone!!
Aya : Eve-chan! Are you planning to eat in the courtyard too? Unfortunately, the place is...
Eve : It's not like that, Hagumi-san and the other invited me to eat together with them! If it's okay with you, how about you come too?
Aya : Really!? What do you two say?
Chisato : Of course I don't mind. Let's eat together with everyone.
Hagumi : Everyone--. come here--!!
Kanon : Waa! It seems that there are more people than I expected.
Kokoro : Of course! Today, the weather is great, right?  It'd be wasteful if we had lunch in the classroom. So Inivited Saya and Rimi who were in the same class as me to eat together in the courtyard.
Misaki : I was forced to come here.
Saya : And because I and Rimi have already promised Otae to eat together, she joined us too.
Eve : And then I and Hagumi-san joined them!
Aya : Is that so. What about Arisa-chan and Kasumi-chan?
Saya : Arisa said that she needs to take care of some student council work.
Rimi : Kasumi-chan said that she wants to help her.
Tae : Chisato-senpai look at this!
Chisato : This is a Rabbit-shaped bread from Yamabuki bakery, right? Whats wrong with it?
Tae : It's a secret.
Kokoro : Then, let's make our lunch today become something fun~!
Hagumi : Kokoron. Hagumi want to play volley after this!
Kokoro : That's a good idea! With this many people, we could have fun playing volley!
Kanon : S, sorry, both of you...
Misaki : I need to apologize too...
Chisato : Fufu, don't worry about it. It becomes a lively lunch... It's okay to do this once in a while.
Tae : Chisato-senpai, Which do you prefer, Oochan team or Michelle team?
Aya : What is she talking about...?
Saya : Probably the name for the volley team.
Chisato : I prefer not to choose both...

== Hanasakigawa girls' High school - Student council room ==

Arisa : ...
Kasumi : Ah, a message.
Arisa : Oii! Silent your phone!
Sayo : Hmm? It seems that I received a message too.
Rinko : It seems that...Everyone received the same message...
Arisa : Everyone...? Ah, it's true. It's from Marina-san...?
Marina : [Everyone, sorry for suddenly messaging you! I have something to discuss, can you come to CiRCLE this weekend?]
Kasumi : Something to discuss? What could it be?


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