Opening - Wedding surprise

== Hanasakigawa girls' high school - Corridor ==

Eve : Kasumi-san! I'm sorry, do you have a moment?
Kasumi : Eve-chan. Your expression looks so serious.
Eve : Can I ask you a favor?
Kasumi : Of course! What is it?
Eve : Will you...come to my wedding ceremony!?
Kasumi : Of course! ....Hmm...? Wed, ding? WEDDING!?
Kasumi : EEHHHHHHHHH~~~!?
Kasumi : Sigh~~ I was really suprised~! I really think that Eve-chan is really going to marry!
Eve : I apologize for making you misunderstand...This time, I will do a photo shoot at the nearby wedding venue.
Kasumi : Ah, I know that place! It's near the shopping district, right.
Eve : Yes. The photo will be used for an advertisement in a wedding magazine. I will become the bride on this wedding-themed photo shoot.
Kasumi : Ehh--, Awesome--! It seems fun! I want to come too! Ah, but it's for work, right? Is it okay if I come?
Eve : Please come! The staff said that I can invite my friend to become the extra!
Eve : If it's okay with Kasumi-san, can I ask for your help? Will you become my bridesmaid?
Kasumi : Yes! I will come! It definitely gonna be fun!
Eve : I'm glad... Thank you very much! You helped me a lot!
Kasumi : Ehehe...really? You will make me blush if you say something like that.
Eve : It's true... To be honest, I'm really nervous about this job.
Kasumi : Why?
Eve : Because this time, the other Pasupare member won't be by my side. I'm going to appear alone in this advertisement.
Kasumi : Ah, I know how you feel. Me too, If I appear on Live alone without the other Popipa, then I will definitely feel trouble too!
Eve : That's why it will be very reassuring if you were to come!
Kasumi : Leave it to me! I'm going to become Eve-chan's bri....ummm, what was it again?
Eve : Bridesmaid, desu!
Kasumi : That's it! Bridesmaid! I will do my best!
Eve : Please take care of me!
Kasumi : Ah, Did you invite someone else? It will be more fun if more people come.
Eve : I have invited Tsugumi-san, but she hasn't replied yet.
Eve : If Kasumi-san wants to invite your friend, then please do so!
Kasumi : I understand! I'm going to invite Popipa!
Eve : Then, I'm going to message you the detail later. You really help me a lot!
== Hanasakigawa girls' high school - Front gate ==

Kasumi :  Fufu, Wedding advertisement! I'm really looking forward to it~.
Kasumi : Ah, A message from Eve-chan! Let see...
Kasumi : [Please wear a dress on the appointed day]...Dress?
Kasumi : What should I do! I don't have any dress~!

== Wakamiya household - Eve's room ==

Eve : Kasumi-san and Tsugumi-san... I'm glad that both of them said that they will come...
Eve : Then after this... I need to start preparing 'That'.
Eve : Yosh, I'll do my best!!

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