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== Hanasakigawa girls' High school - Courtyard ==

Kasumi : Arisa~! Come here!
Arisa : Sorry for being late, I have a student council work. Fuu~,  Even so, today is pretty hot~.
Saya : You're right, it seems that summer has come. I'm drenched in sweat just by seating here.
Rimi : Use this sunblock, Arisa-chan.
Arisa : Oh, Thanks. Anyways, today is quite hot. How about we eat in the classroom for today?
Tae : I prefer to eat my bento outside. Eating under the blue sky with everyone make my bento become more delicious.
Kasumi : I also prefer to eat outside! Certainly, it's quite hot, but I still prefer to eat here.
Arisa : Well--, I understand your feeling. But, eating outside in this heat is quite dangerous you know...
Rimi : It already summer huh. It feels like we only become a 2nd-year just yesterday.
Saya : Certainly. Also, don't you feel that our lesson has become more difficult compared to when we were on our 1st-year?
Kasumi : Yes! especially Chinese literature, I really dislike that lesson~. It's just too difficult, right?
Tae : But, You can read a guitar chord chart right. I don't think the Chinese literature teacher know how to read a chord chart.
Kasumi : I- I see...! You're right! I can read a guitar chord chart! Even if can't read Chinese literature, I can still read a guitar chord chart ...
Arisa : That's not how it works.
Saya : Fufufu. It's about time we eat our bento, right? The break is almost over.
Kasumi : You're right! Then, Itadakimasu--!
All : Itadakimasu--!
Tae : Haaa~ So delicious. Thanks for the meal. Anyways let me continue my story, you see, my part-time senpai is-----
Arisa : Wait a minute. I haven't finished my meal yet.
Tae : Then, you can listen to me while eating. My senpai is----
Rimi : Fufufu. Somehow, Otae-chan is more cheerful than usual today.
Saya : I feel like that she eats her bento faster than usual... or is it just my imagination?
Kasumi : It's probably because of that, right? Recently, we have so many opportunities to do Live, right? Otae probably gets excited because of that, right? Because I'm the same.
Saya : Then for our next Live, We need to do our best in Today practice.
Arisa : Ah, Anyways Kasumi. Yesterday, you left your Chinese literature notebook in my warehouse, you know? I bring it with me today, so grab it later.
Kasumi : Eh, Is that so!? We have a Chinese literature class after this, right!? Thank you~, Arisa~. As Expected,  I can't live without Arisa~.
Arisa : W- what are you saying!? You are not making any sense!
Tae : Hey, Arisa? Why can't you say that you're happy when you're happy?
Arisa : Shut up!
Tae : Even so, It's only a week left. I really looking forward to it~.
Kasumi : Eh...? Umm...only a week left? Eh? Are we planning to do something next week? Wa, Sorry! I can't remember.
Rimi : I can't remember anything too... What about Saya-chan?
Saya : M- Me too... I can't think of anything too?
Arisa : Kasumi's birthday is on 14th July, so it's still too early for that, right? That means---
Kasumi : Wa, Arisa! You remember my birthday~! As Expected,  I can't live without Arisa~.
Arisa : What are you saying since before, You're not making any sense!
Kasumi : Let see, Arisa birthday is on 27th October, right. Saya birthday is on 19th May, Otae is on 4th December. Rimirin is on 23rd March!... How is it?
Arisa : Even if you say [How is it] to me...
Kasumi : Ah, That' right! Arisa, your sign is Scorpio, right? They said that Scorpio and Cancer have good compatibility, you know! Did you know about it? My sign is Cancer!
Arisa : I don't care! Anyways, Otae is there something on next week?
Saya : Could it be, Otchan's birthday?
Tae : Bzzt--, You're wrong.
Rimi : Then, Otae-chan's mother birthday?
Tae : Nope. It's not about birthday.
Kasumi : Could you give me a hint? Please give me some hint!
Arisa : Since when this turn into a quiz...? Anyways if nobody remembers it, then it's not something important, right?
Saya : Then, Otae, What is the correct answer?
Tae : Well then, the correct answer is... next week is the day we passed SPACE's audition one-year ago.
All : .......ah.
Kasumi : SPACE...
Arisa : Audition...
Kasumi : I- I see---... Now that you said it... It's true...
Rimi : I remember that day, but I forget about the date...
Saya : So you remember the date Otae...
Arisa : A- anyways, Otae... Could you stop saying something like that so suddenly? I haven't prepared my heart.
*Bell ringing*
Kasumi : Wa! The lunch break is over! Anyway, let's continue this talk later! Okay!

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