Chapter 3 - Losing my way

== A few days later ==
== CiRCLE Cafertaria ==

Lisa : ...Sigh.
Lisa : (I didn't make any progress at all. I don't even know why the previous lyrics is not good ...)
Yukina : What did you see when you're walking on that path?
Yukina : But we can't sing this. Or rather, I can't sing this.
Lisa : (Speaking of Roselia, then it's blue rose... In the language of flower a blue rose has the meaning of making the impossible possible...)
Lisa : Certainly, at the time we decided to treasure Roselia's pride, many blue roses began to bloom on our path...
Lisa : A path where blue roses bloom... A path that continues to the top...But after that, What did I see?
Sayo : Imai-san. Are you okay?
Lisa : WHOA!?
Lisa : Why did you like to appear so suddenly like that lately. It surprised me ~.
Sayo : I never plan to do that though. Maybe it's because you're too concentrate on writing lyrics so you don't notice me
Lisa : Lyrics...EH!? Why did you know?
Sayo : I just guessed it. This few days, it seems like your mind is preoccupied with something.
Sayo : So I'm thinking, what could make Imai-san so preoccupied like that. I know that you want to try creating lyrics before, so I'm guessing that you probably want to try to do that again.
Lisa : So you're just guessing it... Your reasoning power is too good.
Sayo : Then, how is it? The progress.
Lisa : I haven't made any progress at all. When I show this lyrics to Yukina, she said that [I can't sing this].
Lisa : She also asks me [What did you see?]. What did I see, I wonder? Are the thing that I see and the thing that Roselia see is different?
Sayo : ...
Lisa : As I thought, I still have a long way to go, right?
Lisa : I want to do something for Roselia, but It seems that... I have no talent~, hahaha...
Sayo : Don't ever say that, even as a joke.
Lisa : ...Thanks. But you see, as expected. Compare to everyone, I'm still lacking...
Sayo : Stop it.
Lisa : Sayo...?
Sayo : Stop it. I don't want to hear any more than this.
Lisa : W- what happens to you Sayo?
Sayo : ... I have said this before, right. As a member of Roselia, I put all my trust in you.
Sayo : That's my true feeling, I really believe in you, I'm not saying that just to comfort you.
Sayo : To me who trust and leave my back to you... Can't you think how I feel... when I heard you say that earlier?
Lisa : Ah...! I- I'm sorry, Sayo...!
Sayo : Trusting your comrade. You need to think about the meaning of that word properly.
Sayo : ... Right now, I feel betrayed by you.
Lisa : ...Sayo!!
Lisa : I'm the worst...
Lisa : The word that I received from everyone, their feeling... I ignored them all.
Lisa : Why can't I understand that unless someone tells me.
Lisa : ... It seems that I just making excuse to myself again.


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