Ending - Happy wedding
== Shooting day ==
Eve : Fuuu... It almost time.
Kasumi : Eve-chan--!
Eve : That's Kasumi-san's voice...Waa!
Kasumi : Ehehehe~. How is it, our dresses~!
Arisa : I- Is this okay? It isn't weird, isn't it?
Eve : It's not like that at all! Both of you are really pretty! Tsugumi-san and Ran-san too, Thank you very much!
Tsugumi : Eheheh...Congratulation for today! I'll help you as much as I can.
Ran : ...As expected, I'm not used to wearing this...
Eve : You all look very beautiful, you know! ...Eh, that floral decoration on your head is...
Kasumi : This, we create this together! It's a hair ornament made of a real flower!
Arisa : Well, Ran-chan is the one who did most of the work though...
Tsugumi : Bridesmaid usually wears a matching outfit, right. Because of that...
Ran : Even though our dresses don't match at all, at least we wear the same accessories.
Ran : So I tried to design it, but...p- please keep it a secret from my father.
Kasumi : Why? Are you gonna get scolded?
Tsugumi : Well...It's the opposite, right?
Arisa : He'll be delighted...and it's embarrassing for you.
Ran : ...Anyways, just keep quiet about it.
Eve : Everyone... Thank you so much for everything!
Tsugumi : Eve-chan, are you okay? Are you feeling nervous or anything?
Eve : I'm okay! Because I have a very dependable friend and this bouquet that we make!
Arisa : Friend... Well, we're your bridesmaid after all! We're going to do our job properly, we're cheering for you, Eve!
Kasumi : It's going to be okay! It definitely will become a Wonderfull Kira-Kira Doki-Doki wedding!
Staff : *Knock Knock* Eve-san! The rehearsal is going to start soon!
Eve : I'm coming! Kasumi-san, Arisa-san, Tsugumi-san, Ran-san... Please take care of me!
== Wedding venue - Inside the building ==
Eve : Before the shooting begins, let me introduce myself first. I'm the bride, Wakamiya Eve.
Eve : Up until today, many people have supported me to stand in this place.
Eve : My parent, The staff who prepare this wonderful place and wedding dress, also all the extra who gather here today. I'm really grateful to all of you.
Eve : And also, to all my best friend that I love and have supported me just like a real bridesmaid.
Kasumi : Ehehe...She's talking about us, Arisa.
Arisa : Idiot, just shut up.
Tsugumi : I- I'm nervous...
Ran : It's okay just to stand here, right...
Eve : This time, because this is a collaboration between me and a wedding magazine, I made a handmade bouquet.
Eve : It's really hard to finish this... but, because of my best friend that's now in this place, I could make this bouquet!
Eve : And that bouquet is...this!
Tsugumi : Whoa...
Eve : This bouquet includes everything I like in it! Even though, the quality is not that great.. but I really proud of this bouquet!
Eve : The country of Japan that I love, My home country Finland that I love, and also Rose that I admire, everything is on this bouquet...This bouquet is me right now!
Eve : This is a bouquet that contains my happiness ... If my happiness could be transmitted to everyone, then I'll be very happy!
Arisa : Eve is really an Idol...
Kasumi : Yep...And somehow this is become just like a real wedding speech!
Arisa : As expected, professional is so awesome...We also need to do our job properly.
Kasumi : Yep! Let's do our best! We're a Bridesmaid!
Tsugumi : We must congratulate Eve-chan with our happy feeling!
Ran : My job...is already over after creating that bouquet, right?
Tsugumi : Ran-chan!
Ran : I'm joking. Then let's go, we need to become a flower that accompanies the bride.
Eve : Then, let's begin! Let's make this a happy wedding for all of us!
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