Ending - [The promised scenery]

== The next day ==
== CiRCLE Cafetaria ==

Lisa : ...
Yukina : ...
Lisa : (So nerve-wracking~! Where did my confidence from last night go, I'm feeling so nervous, right now.)
Yukina : ...It's a wonderful lyrics.
Lisa : Eh, Really!?
Yukina : Yes, This is something that Roselia can sing.
Lisa : Really!? I'm glad~... Then, let's show it to everyone, right now!!

== Studio ==

Sayo : This lyrics is definitely something that Imai-san would write.
Ako : Lisa-nee, when you said that you're thinking about something, did you mean this lyrics?
Lisa : To be honest, yes.
Rinko : It feels like...I'm being enveloped by a warm feeling... it really is a good lyrics...
Lisa : The first time I started playing Music, I saw a scenery. 
Lisa : When I'm thinking about what is music mean to me... The first thing that comes to my mind is that scenery. That scenery is definitely the reason why I become like this now.
Yukina : So you make that scenery into lyrics?
Lisa : Yes, you're right.
Sayo : So this is Imai-san lyrics.
Lisa : At first, I'm too caught up on making lyrics that appropriated for Roselia, In the end, I forgot to put myself into the lyrics. So I started making excuses to myself, saying that I'm talentless.
Lisa : But still, [I want to do something for Roselia.]... So In the end, I understand.
Lisa : All this time, I always say that I'm talentless. Saying that as an excuse for me to run away from everything.
Lisa : But saying something like that is the same as betraying everyone's trust. That's why... From now on, I'll never say that word again.
Rinko : Imai-san...
Lisa : I'm Roselia bassist! We perform together on the stage... I'm Roselia's member too!.
Lisa : After all this time, I feel like I finally become Roselia's member too. Everyone, sorry to make you waiting for so long. But from now on, I'll definitely won't lose to all of you!
Sayo : Fufu, We won't lose too,
Ako : Yes!!
Lisa : By the way, Yukina... This year... We'll be participating in the Fes, right?
Yukina : ? Of course. This year we'll definitely participate in the Fes.
Lisa : Of course right. Aaaa~, I'm glad...Yukina didn't say anything so I'm bit worried, thinking that you have some kind of trouble again.
Yukina : I'm not. I don't say anything because I think it's something that's obvious to everyone already.
Lisa : Sigh~... 
Lisa : (This is what Sayo mean by trusting your companion, right. Really, I need to reflect on myself~.)
Sayo : Just as I said, right? You need to trust Minato-san more.
Lisa : Yes, It's just like Sayo said... Ah, that's right! I have one more request.
Rinko : What is it...?
Lisa : We still haven't registered for the contest, right? Then... Could you leave the registration to me.
Lisa : It's to make my determination and resolution stronger. Please!
Yukina : Of course.
Lisa : Yes, thank you! Yoo~~shh, Let's do our best, Ooo--!
Ako : Ooo---!

== On the way home ==

Lisa : Somehow, I feel like today practice is better than usual~. Is it because I have a change of heart?
Yukina : [White clover] [ The promised scenery]... When I see your lyrics, I remember something.
Lisa : Yes. It's our origin. The scenery that we should never forget.
Yukina : Many things have happened after that. That scenery... I don't think we'll ever see it again.
Lisa : Yukina...
Yukina : But as long as we don't forget about it, that scenery will always remain on our heart.
Yukina : Let's keep on moving forward... while keeping that scenery in our heart.
Lisa : Yes. The intersecting path between White Clover and  Blue Roses. We'll keep on walking on that path.
Yukina : After we pass the contest and perform on the Fes... We'll definitely keep on moving forward. 
Yukina : That's why Lisa, please be my bassist forever.
Lisa : Of course. What are you saying?
Lisa : I'll definitely be with Yukina forever, seeing a new scenery that Roselia will see.
Lisa : The meaning of White clover in the language of flower is [Promise]---
Lisa : ...It is the flower that we see that day.

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  1. Thank you very much for translating all the recent story !!

  2. Sorry for my selfish request but Can you translate the bonus chapter ?, Chapter gacha Yukina,In that's chapter,Yukina gave Lisa a gift.btw Thank you very much for translating many bandori's event stories,I really​ thanks to you

    1. Which one? If it's a short one, then I probably could translated it.

    2. Ssr yukina in this event (⭐4 Yukina,The picture is, Yukina holding Lisa's hand at the bus stop(OTP :v))

    3. I can't promise you, but I will try to translate it if I have time


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