Chapter 1 - Zombie A to Z

== ??? ==

Rimi : Haa...Haa...What should we do...What should we do...!
Misaki : Calm down. Haa...We leave our smartphone with Toyama-san, so right now we can't call anyone for help...
Rimi : That's right, Kasumi-chan...! Is Kokoro-chan okay...
Misaki : Don't worry, She must have been evacuated from this place.
Rimi : I hope so...
Misaki : Yes. So right now, we need to worry about ourselves. Let's find a way to escape from this place safely...!

== Hanasakigawa girls' high school - 2-A classroom==

Kokoro : ...Eh, Is this the end? I want to know what happens to both of them!?
Rimi : Then, let's read the continuation on the next volume...
Misaki : Heyy, Stop reading manga, eat your lunch properly.
Kasumi : Agreed! We haven't finished our meal you know~.
Rimi : That's right, then Kokoro-chan let's read the continuation after we eat our lunch.
Kokoro : Okay. So...You like this kind of story huh, Rimi.
Kokoro : But I don't understand. Everyone who appears in this story is either troubled or sad. Why don't they smile and have fun?
Rimi : Ummm... Having fun while being chased by a zombie?
Kokoro : That's right! Then they can have fun chasing each other!
Kasumi : That's more scary~!
Misaki : Haha...But certainly, I always though Rimi prefer a more peaceful story.
Rimi : Is that so?
Kasumi : Of course! Something cute like [The adventure of Choco cornet-chan]!
Rimi : I want to watch that if it exists~. But, I think I enjoy watching horror more.
Kokoro : Is that so?
Rimi : The thrill when we watch a horror movie make you excited and make you curious about [What will happen next!], right?
Kokoro : Yes! The manga that I read earlier is really exciting! I want to read the continuation!
Rimi : Also, I like to imagining [What will I do if  I were in that place...].
Kasumi : Ehhh~!? I'll definitely be too scared to do anything~.
Rimi : Yes, I'll probably be the same... But it's only in my imagination, so I could do anything.
Rimi : I like to imagine myself as the protagonist, I want to become someone courageous. Someone who could always find a way to escape from a pinch.
Misaki : Hee--... But the monster or ghost that appear in horror movie has a scary appearance, right?
Rimi : Well, that's the part that I didn't like. I can't stand seeing someone when they are in a terrible state like that...
Rimi : That's why I prefer watching something that involves ghost or curse.
Kasumi : That's scary, Rimirin!
Rimi : Don't worry Kasumi-chan! It's not that horrible!
Kasumi : It's horrible!
Misaki : Come to think of it. You said the action in this movie is good, right.
Rimi : That's right! It's really awesome~.
Kokoro : I finally understand! In other words, The feeling of joy that you get when watching horror is the same as when you go to a haunted house or ride a jet coaster, right!
Rimi : That's right!
Kokoro : That seems fun!
Kasumi : Rimirin and Kokoron are so excited...but I just can't get excited at all.
Misaki : Don't worry Toyama-san. I don't really like horror that much too.
Kasumi : Is that so? Misaki-chan is scared of it too?
Misaki : Well... not really. But there are so many cliche situations in horror movie, right.
Misaki : Something like, the monster will be stopped by something when they're chasing you, or the key item that the protagonist need is found so easily.
Misaki : When a scene like that appear I'll definitely going to tsukkomi it in my head saying that [There's no way something like that could happen!], and that makes me can't concentrate on the movie...
Rimi : Misaki-chan, don't worry! The story in this movie isn't like that!
Misaki : Yes, yes. I understand. Don't worry I'll try to enjoy it.
Kasumi : Eh, Am I the only one who's scared watching horror in here?
Kokoro : Kasumi! Look! This scene is so awesome!
Kasumi : WAAAA---!
Misaki : Kokoro, read the manga later! The lunch break is going to end soon, finish your lunch first.
Kokoro : Hmm, it's already this late? Okay!
Kasumi : Urghh~... That scene is so horrible...I don't have any appetite now...


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