Chapter 3 - Mutual understanding
Himari : Tsugu--, Hina-senpai!
Tsugumi : Ah, Himari-chan!
Hina : Yahoo--. Are you going to your club, Himari-chan?
Himari : Yes! We have an official tournament coming right up, so we need to practice hard! What are you two doing here Tsugu and Hina-senpai, student council work?
Hina : Yep, That's right.
Himari : Don't overwork Tsugu okay? Tsugu is the type of person that will go tsugurific if she works too hard.
Hina : Don't worry, I know--. I'm not overworking you, right?
Tsugumi : Yes...
Himari : That's okay then. Then, what kind of work did you do in this place?
Hina : Ummm, I come here to make this school become more Run♪--.
Himari : Making this school become more Run♪...?
Tsugumi : Ummm, So basically----
Himari : I see! So that's what you mean!
Tsugumi : And one of the requests says [Please increase the variety of menu in the school cafetaria], so I and Hina-senpai come here to talk about that.
Himari : Eh!? A new menu will be added!?
Tsugumi : It's still not decided, but we're planning to make a proposal to the school after this.
Hina : We need their approval.
Himari : But that's a good idea! I also want more menu to be added to the school cafeteria.
Himari : How should I say it, the menu that they have right now is just [A plain old school cafeteria menu].
Hina : Right. I'm also thinking the same thing.
Tsugumi : I don't know that there's someone near me who could think the same thing as Hina-senpai...
Himari : Then, what kind of menu will be added?
Hina : We're thinking to add a hamburger and french fries set to the menu. We're also planning to make some kind of buffet.
Himari : Buffet!? That's really great! It makes me Run♪!
Hina : Ehehe, Thanks for your Run♪ Himari-chan--
Himari : Umm, For me... If I can eat dessert after I eat my lunch, then I'll feel more Run♪...
Hina : That's it! That's a nice idea, Himari-chan!
Himari : How about some cake or parfait after lunch? How great could it be if I could eat something like that after lunch~.'
Hina : That's great--! For me, I want to eat crepes--. Choco-Banana crepes with a lot of whipped cream.
Himari : Crepes! That's the best! If I could eat something like that in school every day, then it'll make my daily school life become more happier!
Hina : What kind of crepes did you like, Tsugu-chan?
Tsugumi : For me, I like strawberry crepes. Nothing beat strawberry crepes with a lot of whipped cream.
Himari : I know right~. Strawberry crepes with a lot of whipped cream is a crime.
Hina : But, I like crepes with banana more. Himari-chan, Strawberry crepes, and Choco-banana crepes, which one do you prefer?
Himari : Me, hmmm~. I prefer [Strawberry-banana crepes] more~
Hina : Ah, That's cheating~, Ahahaha.
Hina : Crepes is Run♪ don't you think...
Himari : It's Run♪~.
Tsugumi : {Himari-chan and Hina-senpai... They're perfectly in sync...)
Hina : With that said, Tsugu-chan! Please make the proposal zappinly and also don't forget to add the idea that we talk just now.
Himari : Eh....?
Himari : Tsu- Tsugu...I'm sorry~~! Did I just increase Tsugu's workload?
Tsugumi : Fufufu, Don't worry. I already write the thing that we talk just know to my memo.
Tsugumi : Also, I become more motivated when seeing Himari-chan happy face. Thank you, Himari-chan.
Himari : Geez~, You're so kind, Tsugu~. I love you~.
Tsugumi : Wa- Wait, it's embarrassing.
Hina : Then, can we say that this request is resolved?
Tsugumi : Yes. Then let's move on to the next request.
Hina : Ooo--, That's great--, you look so motivated Tsugu-chan, so let's resolved all of it in no time--!
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