Chapter 4 - Zappin and Tsugu-chan
Hina : Ummm, Then---, Which request should we resolved next---.
Tsugumi : There are so many requests, so it's quite difficult to pick just one.
Hina : Ah! This one is Run♪!
Tsugumi : T- that was fast...
Hina : What do you think about this, Tsugu-chan? [Please improve the radio that was broadcasted during lunch break]. I'm also agreed with this.
Hina : Right now, they only played classical music during lunch break. It's not that Run♪. Don't you want to hear more song to be broadcasted?
Tsugumi : I kind of like hearing classical music, it makes me feel calm.
Hina : Heee, Did you hear classical music often, Tsugu-chan?
Tsugumi : Nope, I usually don't listen to it. But I really enjoy hearing classical music when eating my lunch.
Hina : As for Hina-chan, I want to hear Pasupare's song or Afterglow's song? I also want to hear Roselia's song too.
Hina : How great could it be if I could hear the sound of onee-chan playing guitar when I eat my lunch.
Tsugumi : That's quite interesting, but there are also people who want to have lunch in calming mood, I don't think it's good to change it just because Hina-senpai likes it...
Hina : I see, You're right---
Hina : Hmm~~, Then---...
Hina : Ah! I have a Run♪ idea!!
Hina : How about this? How about we make a chart list!
Tsugumi : A chart list...?
Hina : We could make a pool using SNS or something, and then the students can vote the song that they want to hear on the radio, after that we'll decide the ranking based on the result!
Hina : If classical music has the most vote, then we'll broadcast it. It'll be fair that way, right?
Tsugumi : Ranking, huh... It's just like a Television program....
Hina : It's fun right...? We could also know the student's music preference.
Hina : It's definitely a great idea! Let's do it!
Tsugumi : It's quite an interesting idea, but we need to ask the broadcasting committee first.
Hina : Yoshhh, Then let's go to the broadcasting room now!
Tsugumi : D- don't be in a rush like that! We need to write a proposal first. Let's go after I finished writing the proposal.
Hina : Ah, I see. Then, Tsugu-chan, please finished it zappinly by tomorrow--.
Tsugumi : Tomorrow...!? I understand...
Kaoru : Pardon me. Can I have a moment?
Hina : Waa--, Kaoru-kun--.
Kaoru : Hoo? The president and the vice-president are here. Well, that makes it easy.
Tsugumi : Hello.
Hina : What is it, Kaoru-kun? Did you have something to ask us?
Kaoru : I actually want to submit the schedule for drama club next performance, but... are you in the middle of doing something, Litte kitten?
Hina : Well, We're---
Kaoru : I see. So you want to reform the radio broadcast to improve the school... In other words, it's like that, right?
Hina : Yep, In other words, it's like that.
Kaoru : Aaaa, What a praiseworthy little kitten. The feeling that you have that want to make this school become more fleeting... makes me want to bow my head to you.
Hina : Not fleeting, but Run♪---.
Hina : So, we're planning to make a ranking of the song that the student wants to hear. Kaoru-kun, did you have any other idea?
Kaoru : Fufufu, Of course. Then, how about this? How about I recite my original poems for the radio.
Hina : You will do that, Kaoru-kun!? That's interesting--! Let's do it!
Hina : As expected of Kaoru-kun--. She's so smart, right?
Tsugumi : To think you can think of such an idea in such a short time ...
Kaoru : Fufu, I'm just speaking the wish of all the little kittens of this school...
Tsugumi : Certainly, this is quite an exciting news for some student. Someone like Himari-chan will definitely be excited if she hear about this...
Kaoru : Then, How about this!? How about Kaoru-kun also introduced a quote from Shakespeare every day!
Hina : I really like whenever Kaoru-kun quoting Shakespeare---. It's really interesting--.
Kaoru : How about we name it [Today's Shakespear from Seta kaoru]?
Hina : That's a good name! Will you do it, Kaoru-kun?
Kaoru : I won't say no if it's a request from the student council.
Tsugumi : Rather than that, it seems to me that she is the one who really eager to do it...
Hina : Waaa--, Somehow this is getting excited--. This school is becoming more and more Run♪!
Tsugumi : Well it's still not certain, but anyway I'll also zappinly include the idea just know to the proposal.
Hina : Thank you--, Tsugu-chan. I leave it to you--!
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