Chapter 2 - Overflowing Idea
== Imai's House - Living room ==
Lisa : Come on in~.
Misaki : Sorry for intruding. Ooo~, This is...
Eve : Lisa-san, Your house looks really pretty!
Lisa : Is this your first time coming to my house, Eve? Well, It's a bit messy because I'm in the middle of preparing for something, so please don't mind about it.
Tae : I've heard about Lisa-san's house from Arisa before, but this is the first time I come here.
Lisa : Ah, Come think of it. I've invited Arisa to my house before to make chocolate together.
Tae : 'Lisa-san's house looks really pretty. It's really well-organized.' She said.
Misaki : I heard someone said something like this. 'Be proud if you ever visited Lisa-san's house!'
Misaki : It's true, I really want to boast this to everyone.
Lisa : That's exaggerating. I should probably clean it first before everyone comes~.
Lisa : Ah, Don't just stand there, please take a sit. Don't mind about the mess.
Lisa : Then, did everyone bring the things that you want to display?
Eve : Yes! It's in this bag!
Lisa : Ooo~, You brought so many things~. Hm? What is that? Is that a wallet? It has a Japanese design on it, so cute!
Eve : No, It's small silk cloth. It's for wiping tea utensils in the tea ceremony. This is something that I made together with Kanon-san.
Lisa : Ehh~, It looks really great! Let me see!
Eve : Fufu, I also brought many things other than that. Please take a look at it.
Tae : Ah, This one has a rabbit pattern on it! Can I order this?
Misaki : Hanazono-san, It's too soon...
Misaki : So you make it together with Kanon-san, huh. I should probably ask her to teach me how to make that later--. I mean, I can only make wool felt like this.
Lisa : Waa~! You brought so many!
Misaki : It's mostly small wool felt that I make for practice. I think we could use this for making keyholders or maybe a strap.
Lisa : I see! If we put a metal fitting in here, we could make it into a keyholder!
Lisa : Ah! We could also sew it on a glove or muffler! What do you think?
Tae : Can I also order that?
Lisa : Ahaha~, It's too soon~, Tae~. Misaki, Let's think about the best way to use this wool felt later, okay?
Misaki : That's a good idea, let's do that. Then, what did you bring, Hanazono-san?
Tae : I bring this. A rabbit made from papier-mache. This one is Occhan. And this one is Doro-chan. And also this one is Choroppi.
Eve : How wonderful! We could also make this into a keyholder by putting a metal fitting in here!
Tae : Eh? That's Occhan's head, you know...? You're going to put a metal fitting in there? It looks painful...
Lisa : Aaaa, Then, let's not do that! Poor Occhan...! Then... how about we put it in her tail?
Misaki : Aaa, umm... If we put it there, it'll look like Occhan is being hanged upside-down...
Lisa : Y- you're right...
Misaki : Ah, Then how about we put some ribbon in her neck and then put the metal fitting there?
Lisa : Ooo, That's a good idea! You're a genius Misaki! Let's do that! You don't mind if we do that, right, Tae?
Tae : Yes! That will definitely make Occhan happy! Thank you, Misaki.
Eve : We brought so many things to display! It will definitely look really colorful if we lined-up all of this!
Lisa : Fufu~~n. I haven' told everyone about this yet, but to tell you the truth, there will be one more person that's going to participate with us.
Eve : Eh!? Is that true?
Lisa : Her hobby is to make embroidery, so I invited her to join us.
Eve : That's mean, our member is increasing! It's getting more exciting!
Lisa : I also like to put embroidery on my cap or something, but it's not that good~.
Lisa : So I also want to learn more about embroidery from her! Have you ever done embroidery before, Misaki?
Misaki : Ah, Yes. Look at this pouch that I brought today. I put a wool felt in the center, and then put some embroidery around it,
Lisa : Eh, It looks really good!
Misaki : I actually want to make it look more luxurious than this ... But it just looks like something that's half-baked ...
Lisa : That's not true! I think you did well!
Misaki : But, I don't know any person who likes to do embroidery as her hobby.
Eve : Who is it?
Lisa : Please look forward to it!. You'll definitely be surprised~, it's someone that you least expected!
Lisa : Ah, She's here! Wait a minute, I'm going to bring her here.
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