Chapter 3 - Before the parade start

== Halloween event ==

Kasumi : The parade is about to start!! Trick or treat---!!
Arisa : More importantly, here are so many people in here!? Why there are this many people here?
Saaya : It's probably because there are also many people who want to see the parade! Fufufu.
Rimi : Ah, Sorry! Otae-chan!! I step on your foot earlier!!
Tae :  Don't worry! I've also stepped on Arisa's foot many times.
Arisa : So that was you, Otae!?
Kasumi : But, I'm really excited now, even though we're just going to circling around the town wearing a costume!
Saaya : Right~! Doing something extraordinary like this makes me really excited.
Rimi : We could see different scenery than the one that we usually see!
Kasumi : Hey, Rimirin! How about we shout something together!?
Rimi : Eh? Shout? W- why so sudden!?
Kasumi : I don't know, I just want to shout something!! Let's shout [Happy halloween], okay! Here we go~~~! 1,2!!
Saaya : Wait. I also want to join too!
Kasumi : Ooo~, That's great, Saaya! Let's do it! Then, how about Otae and Arisa join us too!
Arisa : Eh? M- Me too!?
Kasumi : Then, let's go~~! 1,2!!
All : Ahahaha!
Rimi : That feels great~!
Saaya : Haa~ That's the best! We could only do something like that now! Fufufu.
Arisa : Saaya, you're different than usual... it's terrifying,,,
Kasumi : Waa! Hey, look! That Onee-san just gives me some candy!! Thank you very much!!
Arisa : Well, I read that its normal for the participant of this parade to exchange sweet with each other or give some sweet to the bystander.
Kasumi : Hee~, Is that so! Then, I should probably bring more sweets with me~.
Arisa : Also, it seems there will be examiner who joins the parade to inspect our costume, you know?
Kasumi : Ehh!? I don't know about that.
Arisa :  It's written on the homepage of this event, you know? You should at least read that.
Tae : So, you have done some research before coming here, Arisa.
Arisa : I'm not!
Saaya : Also If I'm not wrong, in the latter half of this event, we need to do some appeal on the stage in front of the examiner, right?
Kasumi : Is that so!? Eh!? What should we do!? We must think about that from now!! We need to win this!!
Arisa : It's impossible! Just look around you! Do you really think we could win against them, even the costume of the parent and child that we meet earlier have a really high quality.
Rimi : How about we just test the water for today, and then do it seriously next year?
Kasumi : Okay! We're going to win this next year!
Tae : There are many peoples who bring their pet here, right? Maybe I should bring Occhan too.
Saaya : I should also probably invited Jun and Sana to come here.
Tae : By the way, Occhan. When I about to leave my house, she looks like she wants to go together with me too.
Arisa : Huh? What costume will you put to Occhan if you bring her here?
Tae : Hmmm~, I become a rabbit now, so Occhan will become... me?
Arisa :  You're floating in Otae's world right now.
Kasumi : Then, let's do that next year! Let's bring our family to this parade, next year!
Rimi : Yes, Agreed! I don't know if my Onee-chan could come or not, but I'll ask her anyway!
Tae : What about you, Arisa? Are you going to ask your Obaa-chan to come?
Arisa : Nope...
Saaya :  Fufufu, That's a good idea~! I want to see Arisa's Obaa-chan wearing a costume!
Arisa : Stop it! There's no way she can come here!!
Kasumi : What kind of costume would fit Arisa's Obaa-chan?
Tae : How about Bonsai costume.
Kasumi : That's a good idea! Then Arisa will give her water from behind!
Rimi : How about that? The queen of heart from earlier,
Saaya : Fufufu, That would be great! Then Arisa will become Alice, right?
Tae : Ah, Arisa in the wonderland.
Arisa : That again! You also talk about something like that last year, right!? Also, don't make fun of my Obaa-chan!
Arisa : I'm going to say this first, never ever talk about this in front of Obaa-chan. She'll definitely want to come if you do that...
Kasumi : Ahahaha. Maybe I should ask Acchan next time~. I will be really happy if I could come here together with Acchan~
Kasumi : Ahh~... But, Acchan probably prefers playing with Ako and LOCK~. Recently, we rarely spend time together~. (TL notes: LOCK is Rokka nickname)
Saaya : It means that, right? It means Asuka-chan is having fun in Haneoka right? Isn't that a good thing?
Kasumi : I see... Yes, You're right! Thank you Saaya!
Kasumi : ...Eh, Hm? Hmmmmmmm!?
Saaya : Eh? What's with you suddenly, Kasumi ?
Kasumi : Isn't that...!?
Arisa : Oyyy, Kasumi! Wait!!


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