Ending - Neverending Halloween

== After the event ended ==
== In front of the station ==

Kasumi : Then! There's also someone whose eyes look like it's about to come off!
Saaya : Right! I see him too! I was really surprised when seeing that!
Rimi : Fufufu. It would be more appropriated to call that special make-up rather than a costume! That person is really awesome~.
Tae : We don't win the competition this year. But, we'll definitely win it next year!
Kasumi : Yes, definitely!
Arisa : It's impossible! How can you still say something like that after you see the other participant!?
Kasumi : By the way, did you see the winning team's costume? There are so many people in that team--.
Rimi : Their performance is also really good, don't you think?
Saaya : You're right... It's so impactful.
Kasumi : That's means... We also need to gather more people for next year!
Kasumi : JunJun and Saana, Occhan and Yuri-senpai... Ah, and also Acchan and LOCK too!
Tae : Kasumi. Don't forget about Arisa's Obaa-chan.
Kasumi : Ah, You're right!
Arisa : Leave my Obaa-chan out of this!!
All : Ahahaha.
Rimi : I wonder what did people think about our performance?
Arisa : We're just shouting loudly on the stage, it's not even a performance. Well, it's just an improvisation after all, so it's probably like that?
Kasumi : I think it's not that bad, you know? We could even promote our next month Live.
Saaya : Then, what should we do? What if everyone that comes to our Live next month is all wearing a costume. Fufufu.
Kasumi : That would be interesting! Then we also need to wear a costume!!
Rimi : Waaa~, That would be fun!
Arisa : Before that, you still need to finish that, right, Kasumi? The lyrics for our new song!
Kasumi : I know that already! You see, I get so many inspirations for the lyrics from the parade! I don't think I could finish the lyrics if we don't go to the parade!
Tae : I can't wait to hear your lyrics, Kasumi~.
Kasumi : Fufu~~n. Look forward to it... okay, everyone.
Rimi : Of course. I'm reallyyyyy looking forward to it!
Arisa : Hm? Kasumi, you drop something, you know?
Kasumi: Eh? Aaaa, It's a candy. I get so many candies to the point where I can't stuff it all in my bag.
Saaya : I also get so many candies~. Isn't this too many? Can I really eat all of this...
Arisaa : ...Ah, Then how about we go there?
Saaya : Eh? Go where?

== Shopping district ==

Saaya : Jun~~! Saana~~! Come here~~~! I brought something for both of you~~!
Rimi : I see~. It would be impossible for us to eat all of this candy so we should give them some.
Kasumi :  JunJun and Saana, they will definitely be delighted if they see this many candies!
Tae : As expected of Arisa! You're really something else!
Arisa : Huh~? What did you mean by something else!
Kasumi : Good job, Arisa~
Arisa : D- don't make fun of me!
Rimi : Arisa-chan... Your face is turning red, you know?
Arisa : It's because of the sunset! It's all the sunset fault!
Saaya : Because of Arisa, I can give a wonderful present for both of my siblings. Thank you, Arisa.
Arisa : That's not what I'm planning to do! This is also, probably...
Arisa : The power of this extraordinary day?
Saaya : Fufufu... You're right. Today is Halloween after all!
Kasumi : Ah, Saaya! JunJun and Saana is coming out!!
Saaya : Jun~~, Saana~~! Happy Halloween----!!
All : Happy Halloween----!!

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