Chapter 2 - Popipa in Halloween
== Halloween event ==
Kasumi : Uwaa~, Awesome!! There are so many people in here~!
Arisa : Also, they are all wearing a costume... What a bizarre spectacle.
Saaya : Even though you said that, you're also wearing a little red riding hood costume, Arisa.
Rimi : Arisa-chan, you're reallllyyyy cute wearing that little red riding hood costume.
Arisa : S- Stop it already~. You're already told me that so many times already even before we ride the train.
Tae : You really put so much effort into that costume, right, Arisa.
Arisa : I- I mean! I will only attract more attention if I'm the only one who dresses sloppily. Also---
Saaya : You don't need to make an excuse like that. We understand.
Arisa : Understand what!?
Rimi : Kasumi-chan, that Jiang shi costume also looks really nice! Especially the paper talisman that you wear.
Kasumi : Right! I'm making it by myself while looking at the encyclopedia! It's all thanks to Rimirin~.
Saaya : Ah, By the way. The registration counter is right over there. Let's queue over there.
Saaya : Yosh, We have done the registration~. This is the course map, I grabbed one for all of us.
Kasumi : Hey look! That over there is a character from a movie, right!? I forgot the title but it's from that movie! That Sci-fi movie!
Saaya : You're right! It is really well-made ~. It's just like in the movie, right?
Arisa : Just like its name [Halloween parade with your family or friend.], there are many children participating too.
Rimi : Waa, look at that girl, she looks really cute! She becomes Alice and her mother becomes the queen of heart, right? It seems fun~~. (Tn notes : from Alice in the wonderland)
Tae : Hm? They also put a costume on their pet? What is that...? Rabbit? Dog...?
Arisa : It's that, right? The white rabbit who appears before Alice. They put rabbit ears on their poodle. I see~.
Kasumi : Aaa, So it's like that!!
Saaya : If you look at it carefully, the dog leash actually looks like a pocket watch. Fufufu, it seems that everyone is really enthusiastic~.
Kasumi : Ah, Right! I'm going over there to ask for some photos!
Tae: Ah, Wait! I'm coming with you!
Saaya : Kasumi~! Don't go too far, okay~!
Saaya : Fufufu, Kasumi seems to be having fun. It's great that we come here, right, Arisa.
Arisa : Huh? Why did you say that to me?
Rimi : Kasumi-chan, she did her best finishing all of her homework so that she could come here today. I'm really glad that we come here together!
Arisa : But, she hasn't finished that yet, you know? The lyrics for our new song. She hasn't write anything, can we really make it in time for our Live next month?
Rimi : It's definitely going to be okay!
Rimi : The lyrics that Kasumi-chan write are always based on her Kira-Kira Doki-Doki feeling, right? That's why I believe, letting her have some fun by coming here could help her create amazing lyrics!
Saaya : Yep, Yep. You don't need to worry about her, Arisa.
Arisa : I- I'm not worried about her though.... Ah, Kasumi is back.
Rimi : Look. She's holding the dog from before.
Kasumi : I'm back~! Look! This dog is really cute, don't you think~!! The owner is so kind, she let me hug her dog!
Arisa : You!? Is it really okay to bring that dog here?
Kasumi : I already told the owner that I'm bringing her here to take a photo with everyone. S everyone! Lined up over here!
Rimi : Waa~, This is the first time I see a dog wearing a rabbit ears. How cute~.
Kasumi : How about you come over here too, Saaya?
Saaya : It's probably better if I just stay here... I mean, you know that for some reason animal doesn't like me, right...
Kasumi : It's going to be fine! It's just for a little bit.
Saaya : I- is that so? Then just for a little bit, pardon me---
Poodle : Woof~~
Saaya : Waaa... She's coming to me...?
Saaya : Look, everyone! This dog didn't dislike me!
Kasumi : Right~, I told that it's going to be fine! Maybe It's because of the magic that you cast, witch Saaya.
Saaya : Fufufu, You're right! Ah, Then! Let's take the photo before the magic disappear!
Kasumi : Yes! Lined up over here everyone~~! Then, let's do our introduction!!
Kasumi : We are~~~~----
All : Poppin'party!!!
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