Chapter 3 - A circumstance in 'the same as always'
Tsugumi : Ummm, Eggs, Milk... and some autumn flowers to decor the shop? Geez, Okaa-san, she asks me to buy so many things.
Tsugumi : (Autumn flower huh. I remember that one year ago Ran-chan tells me about a flower called Burnet in this place.)
Tsugumi : (How nostalgic. It's the flower that Ran-chan likes... and now, it also has become a flower that has an important meaning for me.)
Ran : Hmm, Tsugumi.
Tsugumi : Waa! Ran-chan! I've been thinking about Ran-chan just know!
Ran : Eh... Stop it. It's embarrassing.
Tsugumi : Ah... Sorry. I just remember that one year ago, you told me about a flower called Burnet.
Ran : I see... 1 year has passed since that time, huh.
Tsugumi : Ran-chan, compared to one year ago, you have become better in flower arrangement. You even planning to enter an exhibition.
Ran : There are many things happened this one year. My feeling toward flower arrangement has also changed I think.
Tsugumi : How's your work? Is it progressing well?
Ran : Yes. don't worry about it. I just want to catch some fresh air. How about band practice, it's the same as always, I believe.
Tsugumi : Yes, It's the same as always... probably.
Ran : Probably?... Did something happen?
Tsugumi : Umm... It's about Moca-chan...
Ran : Is that so. I didn't notice at all.
Ran : I'm chatting with her yesterday. But I don't feel anything wrong with her...
Tsugumi : Yes... I don't how to say it, but I feel that Moca-chan is not like usual.
Ran : The usual Moca, huh... What was the usual Moca look like again?
Tsugumi : She's a laid-back person who always does her thing at her own pace... also, she loves bread. But, she always thinks about us and treasured us dearly...That's the usual Moca-chan, right?
Ran : Yes, that's how Moca is. Also, she hates serious talk or talking about herself.
Ran : If we try to talk about those kinds of things to her she will only say [Stupid].
Tsugumi : Fufu... Just like when we have a fight in the hospital, right.
Ran : ... I have been thinking about this. If I want for Moca to become 'The same as always' then I need to always stand by Moca's side as her best friend just like 'The same as always'.
Ran : Talk about silly things, doing band practice together, and then buying bread together...
Tsugumi : But...! Can we really do that without even hearing anything from Moca-chan...? Right now, Moca-chan is definitely worrying about something.
Ran : If that what Moca's wants, then we should do that.
Ran : Moca is probably worrying about something... But, probably the reason that she doesn't want to talk about it, is because she wants to become [The usual Moca].
Ran : And the only thing I could do is to stay by Moca side just like usual... without any changes.
Ran : If she doesn't like talking about it, then I will not ask her anything. Rather, I want to respect Moca's wish that want to make the thing becomes 'the same as always'.
Tsugumi : Ran-chan...
Ran : It's a bit unfair, isn't it. But, it's not because I want to run away from it, rather it's because I care about Moca...
Tsugumi : I don't think that's unfair. I understand Ran-chan feeling.
Tsugumi : But, I have one request.
Ran : What?
Moca : I want you to tell Moca-chan... that you'll always stay by her side.
Tsugumi : I think it's wrong if we keep things 'The same as always' without saying anything.
Ran : I understand, I'll tell her. [Thank you always].
Ran : ... That's embarrassing. I'm getting embarrassed just by saying it.
Tsugumi : But, you need to say that.
Ran : I wonder why, I could accept it if Tsugumi is the one who asks me to do it?
Tsugumi : I- is that so?
Ran : That's right. As expected, you're amazing Tsugumi.
Tsugumi : You're exaggerating~!
Ran : Thank you, Tsugumi. Please come to the exhibition, okay.
Tsugumi : Yes!
Tsugumi : I... will ask Moca-chan to come too. The four us will definitely come.
Tsugumi : That's the only thing I could do, right now!
Ran : Yes. Only you can do that Tsugumi.
Ran : (Moca is always by my side, so I always take it for granted.)
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