Chapter 1- Heart throbbing, from now on (Latter half)
Tae : Then, Let's start creating the setlist!
Kasumi : Hmm, the concept is [A song that makes people who just start their new life become happier]~... So what will the first song be?
Arisa : The first song will be our opening song, so we have to choose it carefully.
Rimi : Also, in this Live there will be many audiences who don't know about us. It would be good if the first song is the song that introduces us.
Saya : Our introduction...huh. It's quite difficult.
Arisa : It's a bit vague, let's write it on a note while we discuss this.
Saya : Ah, that's good idea. Let's do that!
Kasumi : As expected of Arisa! Is this because you always studying all the time.
Arisa : S, Shut up! Don't pick on me for every single thing!
Kasumi : Then, I'm gonna bring my note!
Kasumi : Umm, let's do this... Then let's think about it!
Kasumi : Then what will the first song be? The first song will be a song that introduces us!
Tae : Also, At the start of our Live, I want to check if the audiences are at the same moment, at the same time with us.
Arisa : Otae... You always say something good from time to time...
Rimi : Umm...At the same moment, At the same time...then. Ah, that's---
All : [Double Rainbow]!!
Kasumi : Good idea! If we start from [Double rainbow], it will be very cool! Then our first song will be..."Double rainbow"
Arisa : I see... You can't write the kanji...
Kasumi : Y, you noticed it? ...Eh? How did I write the kanji for rainbow again? Something like this?
Arisa : Write the kanji 'Insect' and The [E] from Katakana.
Kasumi : ...Rainbow! That's it. this is how to write it~!
Saya : I mean, Kasumi~. This is our song, so you should remember how to write it...
Kasumi : I understand--! Umm, Then what should we do for the second song?
Rimi : Then! I think [STAR BEAT!] will be good. This is the first song we made, so it definitely won't disappoint us.
Kasumi : That's a good idea! It's a song that we created while we feel Kirakira Dokidoki! I definitely want to perform it!! How about everyone?
Arisa - Saya -Tae : No objection.
Rimi : Alright--. Then the second song will be [STAR BEAT]...
Arisa : It's progressing quite smoothly, right?
Kasumi : That's right! We're progressing quite smoothly-! Then let's think about the third song!
Saya : About that, Can I be the one that decided the third song.
Kasumi : Of course!
Saya : For me, I want to put [Girls Code] here. The song tells us that, even in our usual daily live, we have many things that can make us feel Kirakira Dokidoki, right?
Saya : Such feelings are needed to make our new lives happier.
Kasumi : That's true! As expected of Saaya! You said something good~! Then, Saaya! Write it in the note!
Saya : Okay! Then, I'm gonna write it using this color.
Saya : Whoa! Since when are there so many drawing of Rabbits here !?
Arisa : O, Otae ... When I think you're more quiet than usual, so you're scribbling here?
Otae : It's not a scribble. It's a cute drawing. It'll look more cheerful if I put something cute in there.
Saya : T, Thank you, Otae... Then the third song will be [Girls code]...
Tae : Eh? How about Saya put some drawing over there too?
Saya : M, me!? I'm not good at doing something like this... Then how about this?
Arisa : That, Beard... You really like it, Saya.
Kasumi : Ah-, Then I'm gonna draw something too-!
Arisa : I, Is that me!? It's doesn't look like me at all!! L, let's just resume our discussion!
Kasumi : T, that's true...It becomes a good Setlist so far... We only need to pick two songs left~. What should we do?
Tae : How about this?
Arisa : ...Huh? What is that? Did you draw a pond for the rabbits to gather around...?
Tae : It's not that, Arisa, Look closely. This is a [Circle]!
Kasumi : [Circle]...? Ah, I see!! [CiRCLING], right !?
Tae : You're correct!
Rimi : It's a good idea to put [CiRCLING] here! That's gonna make us and the audience becoming one in the Live!
Kasumi : Hmm~~~! This is good! It turns out to be something great, this Setlist! Then, only one song left!!
Tae : For the last, we want to close it with something fun. It will be good if the audience becomes so excited.
Kasumi : Then... There is only one song, right?
All : Right...
All : [Happy Happy party!]
Kasumi : That's right! As expected our thinking is the same~ ... Ah, Arisa! For the last song, how about Arisa write it on the note!
Arisa : Is it okay for me to write it? Let's see...[Happy Happy Party!]... Something like that?
Tae : Ah, draw something there too.
Arisa : HUH!? So troublesome--...
Kasumi : Ahahaha! Then we're done deciding on the Setlist!! Somehow, it becomes an awesome Setlist!
Rimi : Fufufu, I'm thinking the same.
Saya : Then, Let's practice for the Live.
Arisa : You're right.
Kasumi : Then let's do our usual yell--!!
All : Popipa! Pipopa! Popipapapipopa---!!
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