Chapter 1 - Overlapping white

== Candy shop ==

Tae : As expected of Chisato-senpai, You know a good place. But, why did you take me here?
Chisato : Why... Well Tae-chan wants to think about White day, right?
Tae : Ahh, That's right.
Chisato : What do you mean by... Well, whatever. If we're talking about White day, then we should go to a Candy shop. Perhaps we could get some hint if we look around here.
Tae : I see. Even so, there is so many Candy here.
Chisato : That's true. Do you like sweet thing Tae-chan?
Tae : Yes. Especially something with Bean paste in it, I like it. What about Chisato-senpai?
Chisato : I like it too. But, because of work, I must refrain from eating it.
Tae : Being an Idol is hard.
Chisato : I'm already getting used to it, so it's fine. Ah, But, Troublesome thing did happen from time to time.
Chisato : Like, when my costumes won't fit anymore, because I eat too many sweet things. I'm very happy, so I eat too much. At that time I had a fight with the Staff.
Tae : I see. Then maybe I should stop eating sweets too ...
Chisato : If you're a proper lady, then it doesn't really matter. As long as you don't only eat sweet things.
Tae : Hmmm... Eh. That's over there...
Ako : Hm? Ahh-! Tae and Chisa-senpai. You two shopping together? That's unusual.
Chisato : ...Yes. It's quite unusual. What about Ako-chan?
Ako : I'm looking for something to give to other Roselia member in White day, But I can't find something cool.
Tae : Hee. We're in the middle of thinking about White day too.
Ako : Eh, Is that true!? Then, Ako want to join too! If it's Chisa-senpai then you could definitely think of something sparkling and cool!
Tae : Yep, Okay.
Ako : T-that Tae-chan? I don't really know about what Ako likes though...
Tae : You say that, but you always able to answer to our expectation.
Ako : I'm glad-! Thank you Chisa-senpai!
Chisato : ... Geez. It can't be helped. Well, how about we get out from here first. We'll only bother other people if we just stand here.
Tae - Ako : Okayyy.

== In front of station ==
Tae : What should we do next.
Chisato : Well, Because we can't think of anything, how about we end it here.
Tae : Fufu. Chisato-senpai, You're funny.
Chisato : It's not really a joke though...
Kokoro : Oh, You guys!
Ako : Ah, Kokoro! Morning! What are you doing here?
Kokoro : Morning! I'm in the middle of looking for something fun! What about you guys?
Ako : We're in the middle of looking for something for White day.
Kokoro : White day...? Ah, If I'm not wrong, White day is a day where we give someone something like candy or marshmallow, right.
Tae : Me and Chisato-senpai's White day are different.
Kokoro : Hm~m? What kind of white day yours is?
Tae : It's White.
Kokoro : White? What did you mean by that? ... Ah! Could it be that's a Hint to a riddle! It seems fun!
Tae : Riddle. It's probably like that. We are in the middle of searching for the answer.
Kokoro : Is that so? That's quite a difficult riddle. Let me join! It seems fun!
Ako : Kokoro will come with us to!? That's good! If we search for it together, we will definitely find something good! Right, Chisa-senpai!
Chisato : Eh? Ahh... That's true.
Tae : Are you okay?
Chisato : Yes, I just have a headache. First... Let's move to a place where we could sit and relax.

== Hazawa coffee shop==

Tsugumi : Welcome...Eh?
Tae - Ako : Hello~!
Kokoro : Sorry for intruding, Tsugumi.
Chisato : Tsugumi-chan... Hello.
Tsugumi : Y, yes, Hello. It's quite an unusual group.
Chisato : That's true. It's so unusual even I surprised. Well, First, could you prepare a table for four?


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