Chapter 3 - Searching for return gift
Ako : I'm glad you can come with us, Tsuguchin
Chisato : I'm sorry Tsugumi-chan. For making you get wrapped up in this...
Tsugumi : W, Why are you apologizing? If it's about the shop, then don't mind it, My mom said she could handle it!
Tsugumi : I also haven't decided on what to do on the White day, so it's perfect timing.
Tae : We have gathered five people for White day. Should we call our team 'White day Five'?
Kokoro : Oh, What an interesting name! Tae has a great naming sense!
Ako : Ehh--, If we want to name it, we should name it with something more cooler, if it's Ako, then I will name it~... Five pure white people...Umm, Five pure white people... with free time?
Chisato : Everyone, Our goal today is to search for return gift for the White day. I don't mind if you want to have fun, but don't forget about our goal.
Tsugumi : Chisato-san, you seem really eager! Me too, for the sake of finding a great present, I'll work hard!
Chisato : Uh, Ahh, yes... Why does it sound like I'm the most excited.
Kokoro : Look! There is many Bear shaped balloon over there!
Ako : Aha, That plush doll, look like Michelle.
Tae : ...! There is a Rabbit shaped balloon too... I'm gonna get it.
Chisato: ...Sigh.
Tsugumi : Ahh~, Umm...Hey, Everyone! How about we look around that general store over there?
Kokoro : Ah, what a cute shop! There is a clown doll on display over there!
Tae : There is Rabbit shaped Piggy bank too... Let's go.
Ako : Ahh! That jewel over there is kind of cool!
Tsugumi : Phew...
Chisato : ... Thanks, Tsugumi-chan.
Tsugumi : You don't need to thanks me! But, I feel like I understand why Chisato-san apologized to me before...!
== General Store ==
Chisato : Is there anything that catches your eyes here?
Tsugumi : It's not like that, I just think that, If it's this kind of place, then maybe I can find something that the other Afterglow members would like.
Chisato : How did it go with Afterglow on Valentine?
Tsugumi : This time, because Himari-chan works really hard... It becomes a Happy Valentine!
Tsugumi : Because of Afterglow I could make a wonderful memory like that, That's why I want to return the favor to them.
Chisato : Is that so... Because there are people that work really hard, it makes other people around them work hard too, that kind of thing did happen from time to time.
Tsugumi : Did it happen to you too, Chisato-san?
Chisato : Yep, In Pasupare, Because of Aya-chan works really hard. It makes us fired up too... Well, we got too excited it ended up becoming something weird...Fufu.
Chisato : I probably should look for return gift too...
Tsugumi : Ah, This is.. Cute~! Look, This Bathing powder!
Chisato : It's in the shaped of candy.
Tsugumi : It looks interesting! Hee~ It comes with many different scent and color. This here is Lemon, and this is strawberry!
Chisato : Hehehe, It looks like you are having fun. Do you look like it? Bathing powder.
Tsugumi : Ehehe... Yes. I like using it, But I also like collecting it! There are many whose appearance look fashionable or cute.
Chisato : Hmm. Indeed, It all looks lovely. Also, seeing Tsugumi-chan that excited, makes me want to buy it too.
Tsugumi : I, It's that true?
Chisato : Yep. I have seen this in one of my Tv programs... That's it, How about you make a Bathing powder as the return gift. If it's Tsugumi-chan, then you can definitely choose something good.
Tsugumi : Indeed... Ran-chan doesn't really like sweet things, so if I give her this candy shaped bathing powder, she will definitely be happy.
Tsugumi : Yep, I have decided! I'm gonna make this my return gift!
Chisato : I'm glad, that you could find something good.
Tsugumi : It's because of Chisato-san! Ahhh~ What kind of bathing powder should I choose for everyone.
Chisato : Choose carefully. I'm gonna check on the other.
Tsugumi : Yes!
Chisato : ... Come to think of it, what happened to those three? I don't see them, what are they doing?
Ako : Ahahaha! What is this~! It's called cosplay corner. There is Bunny ear over here!
Tae : ... I want to put it on.
Kokoro : There is a Bear over here. If we all pretend to be an animal it will be fun!
Chisato : You guys... It's okay to have fun, But keep it quiet inside the shop, okay?
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