Chapter 2 - What kind of day is it ?
Tsugumi : Thank you for waiting. Umm... So what are you all doing today?
Tae : Today is White day.
Tsugumi : Ehh!? Is that true!?
Tae : Our schedule is White.
Tsugumi : Your schedule, is White... Is that a pun? If that's the case then today is a White day for me too. I don't have anything to do today, that why I'm helping the store.
Tae : Then we're all White day companion.
Chisato : Putting Tae-chan joke aside. We're thinking about what to do in White day. Do you already have a plan Tsugumi-chan?
Tsugumi : I don't have any plan yet. I exchange Chocolate in Valentine Days with everyone. So I don't know what to do in White day...
Chisato : We are all the same. What about Roselia and Hello Happy?
Ako : Roselia is the same. But, because Rinrin gives me a pretty and cool looking chocolate, I want to return the favor with something more awesome.
Kokoro : Everyone in Hello happy always makes me Smile. That's why I'll return the favor by making them smile in White day.
Tae : Making them smile... How nice. It's just like Kokoro and Hello happy.
Chisato : To be specific, what will you do?
Kokoro : I'm gonna think about it after this! With all of you!
Chisato : Is that so... But, Kokoro-chan does have a point.
Chisato : Just by making the people that we like happy on a White day, Is already good enough.
Tsugumi : Whoaa... What a wonderful idea! I see, If it's like that then the return gift won't be limited to only sweet things.
Tae : Ah, I heard that too from the TV this morning. We could give them something like Accessories or Cosmetics.
Ako : That feels really adultlike! We could give them a matching accessory too!
Chisato : Or maybe Handcream or Lipstick. We could give them something that could disappear too...
Ako : Something that could disappear?
Chisato : I mean something that will disappear if they use it...
Tae : By the way... I wonder why is it called 'White' days.
Ako : What's the matter suddenly?
Tae : No, It's just that we're all talking about White day, But I'm curious about the meaning of 'White' in White day.
Tsugumi : That's true. Well, Valentine day originated from a person that was called Valentine-san, right.
Kokoro : Then, White day is originated from a person called White!
Chisato : No, I don't think so. It's only a way for the Japanese candy industry to promote their product. In other countries, it seems there is no such thing as White day.
Ako : Is that so--. Chisa-senpai, You know about many things! You're so cool--!
Tae : But, there is something that was called White Christmas.
Chisato : The 'White' comes from the color of the snow. It's different from this, I think.
Kokoro : But, If it's snowing in White day, then White day will become even more 'White day'.
Tsugumi : But... It's on March so it won't be snowing.
Kokoro : That's true. But ... even though it's not a Snow, as long as it's White it will become 'White' days, right!
Tae : I see! It will be a real White day.
Kokoro : That will be interesting! That's it, I've thought up something good!!
Chisato : From that conversation just now....? But, if you think of something good, then good for you, right Kokoro-chan.
Chisato : So everyone has already got an idea for White day, right?
Tae : That's right. As expected of Chisato-senpai.
Ako : That's true. Ako think If it's now, then I could find something good!
Chisato : That's good. Then today let's...
Kokoro : Let's look for more! We can't find something good, if we just seat in here!
Ako : Agreed--! Let's go! Also, how about you come with us Tsuguchin!
Tsugumi : Eh, Me too!? Umm, I'm must ask my mom first.
Tae : Then, Let's go Chisato-senpai. Let's found our White day.
Chisato : ... Yeah...Sigh...
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