Chapter 1 - Recall, The view of sakura
== Hanasakiagwa girls high school - Courtyard ==
Kasumi : [--- And for that reason, I'm glad I entered Hanasakigawa Girl High School.]
Kasumi : ...And that summarized my feeling, So what do you all think?
Arisa : Huh? Could it be, The thing that you read just now is the speech for the closing ceremony?
Kasumi : Yep... I write it yesterday night. If there is something wrong in it please tell me... Just say it without holding anything back! I'm gonna fix it immediately.
Arisa : It's the same as the class diary that you write yesterday. It looks like it's written by an elementary student.
Kasumi : I also feel there is something wrong in it! But the more I fix it, the more I don't know what should I fix!
Tae : There is something wrong in it? For me, I feel everything is wrong though.
Saya : O, Otae... You don't hold anything back, do you?
Tae : I'm holding back, you know. Do you want to hear my honest opinion?
Kasumi : STOP~~~! I don't want to hear it! Yesterday, I already said it, right? I'm bad at writing something like this~
Rimi : My opinion is, You said too many good things, it doesn't sound like Kasumi-chan's word at all...
Saya : That's what I think too. The word that you use is too general, it doesn't sound like Kasumi at all.
Arisa : Everyone, you don't need to hold back, you know? Just said your critics without holding anything back, what she needs right now is not a consoling word, right!
Arisa : I want to know what Kasumi feel, I want to hear Kasumi's word!
Rimi : Arisa, chan...?
Saya : You're so passionate about this...
Tae : That's how much she wants to hear Kasumi's word, right?
Arisa : T, That's not it...
== Hanasakiagwa girls high school - Front gates ==
Kasumi : Geez~ It's soooo Hard~~. Should I just give up~...
Arisa : But, you already said you're gonna do it, you can't just give up.
Rimi : Kasumi-chan, cheer up? Saya-chan and Otae-chan have a plan so they have to go back early, but we're here for you.
Kasumi : Thank you, Rimirin, Arisa!
Kokoro : Oh? That over there is Kasumi!
Kasumi : Whoa- Kokoron! Also Hagu and Misaki-chan!
Hagumi : Yahoo-!
Misaki : Hello...
Kokoro: Kasumi! I have already heard it from Hagumi! Kasumi will deliver the [Freshman representative's speech] at the upcoming closing ceremony, right! I'm reallyyy--- looking forward to it!
Kasumi : Whoa, Kokoron, you heard it already!?
Hagumi : Ehehe~, On my way back home yesterday, I heard that Kaa-kun is chosen to be the freshman representative. I'm so happy, so I inform Kokoron and Mii-kun immediately!
Rimi : I know how you feel! Me too, Yesterday, I told all of my family about Kasumi-chan becoming The representative.
Arisa : So that they could be more proud of you, you must deliver your [Representative speech] perfectly. If this keep on you'll only be a laughingstock, you know? Are you seriously gonna be okay?
Kasumi : Sob~~ I understand, Arisa~. You don't need to put more pressure on me.
Misaki : Haha. I see. Ichigaya-san is really worried about Toyama-san, right.
Arisa : It's not like that!
Misaki : Yes, yes. I understand. Like I said, at that time when we do Hanami together, Ichigaya-san is too easy to read.
Kasumi : Come to think of it, the reason that we could become a friend is because we gathered at Kokoron house for Hanami.
Kokoro : That's right! It's a Hanami full of smile! I want to do Hanami with everyone again!
Hagumi : Agreed--! Hagumi still remember that day as if it's yesterday!
Rimi : Me too! I remember what happen to Arisa-chan at that time... Fufufu.
Hagumi : Eh? Aa-chan, did something happen to you on that day?
Arisa : I don't remember anything at all!!
Misaki : Hahaha, That, that. In the beginning, you look like a cat in a bag, but in the end, you just let it all out, just like now.
Arisa : Okusawa-san... Could you forget about that already?
Kasumi : At that time, The place is so sparkling, it make the fluttering sakura petal glowing and we're all smiling. It's a dreamlike day~
Kasumi : Haaa~. Somehow by talking like this with everyone, Not only I remember that event, I could recall the happy feeling that I felt on that day. I must definitely put that Hanami experience on my speech~!
Rimi : Ah... That's it, Kasumi-chan! What I want to hear is that kind of word from Kasumi-chan!
Kasumi : Eh...?
Rimi : Before this, when we want to create a song for the Live at the shopping district, Kasumi-chan go to the shopping district again and again, so you could feel the atmosphere in that area, right? After that the lyrics become something that expresses Kasumi-chan feeling, right?
Rimi: That's why, just like now, if you could recall your feeling on that day, Kasumi-chan's word will naturally come out on its own.
Kasumi : I see...
Arisa : Come to think of it, at that time when Kasumi and Kitazawa-san discussing the park from your memories, you recalled a lot of thing from the past, right.
Kasumi : Yep, That's definitely it! When I talk about many things, not only I could recall my feeling at that time, I could even feel the surrounding scenery change to that time!... I think I get the gist of it!
Kasumi : I'm gonna talk with many people and recalled the Kirakira Dokidoki Feeling that I feel in this one year after entering this school!
Kokoro : Kasumi, That's it! What a wonderful idea! I'm thinking the same too right now!
Hagumi : Ah, then how about you go to Tsugu's shop! Eve-chan should be working part-time there right now, also Kanon-chan-senpai said that she's gonna come over, everyone is there!
Kasumi : Is that so! Then' let's go over there now! Hagu, thank you for telling me that!
Hagumi : Because I'm really looking forward to Kaa-kun [Representative speech]! I have great expectation for it!
Kokoro : I hope it could become a [Representative speech] that makes many people smile!
Kasumi : Yep! Kokoron, Hagu, Misaki-chan! Thank you--!
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