Chapter 3 - We're so cool (Latter half)
Himari : The Setlist is done!
Tomoe : It seems we could play about five songs only. We have summed up the setlist with five songs that defined us, but what do you all think?
Tsugumi : [Scarlet Sky] and [Y.O.L.O!!!!!] also [Tsunagu, soramoyou]...
Ran : After that [ That Is How I Roll!] and [True color]...
Himari : Yes! Just by looking at it, I know this setlist will make people excited!
Tsugumi : But, If we play these five songs continuously, won't the audience get tired...?
Himari : A, ahahaha, As I thought, it's like that...?
Ran : I think we should put more variety in there.
Tomoe : Now that you said it, the Setlist seems a bit unbalanced...
Moca : Maybe, that's because there are so many choices of songs that will make the audience excited.
Moca : If we put a cool song in the Setlist, then they would probably get excited~. But, It won't become something that could define us--.
Ran : Making the venue excited is important, but we should probably don't need to mind what people think about us, and just play the song that we want to perform, right?
Himari : I, if you said it like that... Urghh, I think you're right!
Tomoe : What Ran said is true... Then, let's decided the Setlist with the song that we want to perform!
Tsugumi : Okay, Let's do just that. Then, let's write it on this page.
Himari : Afterglow...CiRCLE's event...Setlist...!
Tomoe : Then let's decided the first song... Let's make the first song to be the song that introduces us.
Ran : Then, how about that song?
Himari : Ah, Ran is thinking about that song too? I think that song will be cool~!
Tsugumi : Fufu, It seems we're thinking the same thing.
Moca : That's true--. Then, write it Hiichan~.
Himari : Okay-, Leave it to me~!
Tomoe : As I thought the first song could only be this song!
Himari : Song that makes the audience go with our flow.
Ran : The first song is quite a powerful song, should we use that momentum and put a powerful song for the second one.
Tomoe : Then how about [Hey-day Capriccio]? It's quite a powerful song, but it has a different ambiance from the first song, right?
Ran : Capriccio... Okay, It's not bad.
Moca : Ran's [It's not bad] Received--.
Ran : Moca, Shut up.
Tomoe : Hahaha, Then I will write it.
Himari : Capriccio... It's the song that we created at that time right...?
Tsugumi : That time, when summer vacation...Ah, no! We should definitely stop talking about this...!
Tomoe : T, That right! N, nothing will good even if we remember that!
Moca : It's about that, right. When we search who is the sixth person-? In the end, who is she~?
Ran - Himari - Tomoe - Tsumugi : !!!
Ran : Moca, don't say unnecessary thing.
Tsugumi : L, let's forget about that, and think about the third song!
Moca : That-, I have a song that I want to perform, is it okay~?
Ran : Well, we decided to play the song that we want to perform, so just said it.
Himari : What is it? Tell me?
Moca : This song. Look, even Tomochin said that she wants to play it--.
Tomoe : Eh? Is this me?
Ran : Fufu, It's quite similar.
Tsugumi : At that time, we couldn't put our ideas into Manga, but I'm glad we could use that idea to make this song.
Moca : That's quite fun~. I want to try to create a Manga's plot again~.
Ran : Is there a song that you want to play, Tsugumi?
Tsugumi : Me? Hmmm, Let's see...Ahh! I want to play [Jamboree! Journey!].
Himari : That's the song that we created at Inoshima.
Tsugumi : Eating pancake, going to the aquarium, also viewing sunset together. It's a fun trip.
Tsugumi : It's a song full of happy memories with everyone, so I really like it.
Ran - Tomoe : Tsugumi... - Tsugu...
Himari : It's a song that full of happy memories, indeed...! I think it's a very good idea!
Ran - Tomoe - Moca : No objection.
Tsugumi : Ehehehe, Then I'm gonna write it.
Tomoe : Then, Next will be the last song. Let's end it with a impactful song--.
Ran : ...I think this song gonna be good.
Ran : It's the song that gathered us, Afterglow. That's why I want to play it.
Ran : It started from Dawn, ended on the night sky. It fit for us who are currently searching for something beyond that.
Moca : Oooh~ You said something good~. I agreed--.
Tomoe : Starting from an introduction song, followed by songs that filled with many memories, and then ended with this song.
Tsugumi : Somehow it makes me remember when we're still a freshman.
Himari : Then, we have summed up all the thing that defined us, into this Setlist! With this, We are done~~~!!
Tomoe : We did it!
Tsugumi : Good work all of you.
Moca : With this, we have decided the Setlist--.
Ran : We only need to do our best at the event next.
Himari : Yosh! Then let's work hard preparing for it--! Ey, Ey, Ohh--!
Set list : They don't put all of it in the dialog but basically it's [That is how I roll], [Hey-day Capriccio], [Comic Panic], [Jamboree! Journey!], [Tsunagu, soramoyou]
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