Chapter 2 - We're so cool (First half)

== Studio ==

Ran : Live event...?
Himari : Yep, Just now Marina-san contact me, she wants us to participate in an event sponsored by CiRCLE!
Himari : It seems Popipa and Roselia will be participating too, so let's participate too!
Tsugumi : Event huh, It seems fun. It's not often we're being invited to something like this, so I want to try to participate.
Tomoe : Aah, I don't mind either. It's my principle to never refuse when invited to a party.
Moca : I don't have any objection either~. Let's show them our greatest performance--.
Ran : Yep, It's been a while since we participate in this kind of event, so why not?
Himari : Then, it's decided! I'm gonna contact Marina-san!
Himari : Ah, come to think of it, in this event, there will be many newcomer bands participating.
Moca : New band?
Tomoe : Ah, Yeah, it seems many new girl bands have emerged lately.
Tsugumi : We never see them in CiRCLE, right.
Ran : Well, no matter what, we'll just do the same as usual.
Himari : ...Ah, I just got a reply from Marina-san!
Himari : Let's see...
Himari : [There will be a Band who is a fan of Afterglow, so show them your cool side] She said!
Ran - Moca : Our...
Tsugumi - Tomoe : Fan...!?
Himari : D, Did you hear it just now? We have a Fan!
Tomoe : Why did you say 'Did you hear it just now'... You're the on that saying it.
Himari : It's true, but I'm still surprised! We have a Band that admires us!
Ran : ...
Tsugumi : Somehow it makes me flustered if you said it that way,...
Moca : It seems that more and more people recognize us--. If it's like this, next year we will go to Budoukan--.
Tsugumi : That's probably too early for us, Moca-chan...
Tomoe : Haha, But, knowing there are a people out there who make us their goal, it makes me more excited!
Himari : Yep! We must show our best in the CiRCLE's Event! Yosh, Let's show them our cool side--!
Ran : That line is not really that cool though...
Tsugumi : Ahaha...
Moca : But--, What should we do to show them our cool side--?
Himari : Eh? That's it... You see, It's that you know!
Himari : There are probably many bands that new to this kind of thing, so we must teach them about something like CiCRLE or Live!
Tomoe : Also we can also speak up to them, so they don't get nervous before Live.
Tsugumi : Because even for us, at first, we're really nervous...
Tsugumi : We have more experience in something like this, so we must lend them a hand.
Himari : Yep, Yep!
Tomoe : Right!
Moca : Hmmm~, More than that, I think people who give me bread is cooler--.
Moca : If you think I'm lying, then how about try giving me bread~?
Tomoe : No, you totally want to trick us...
Himari : Geez~! Don't try to trick us like that!
Ran : ...By the way, do you have a moment?
Tomoe : What is it, Ran?
Ran : Giving them advice is good and all, but I don't think being cool is something like that, right?
Tomoe - Himari : Eh?
Ran : They could come to admire us, because they see our Live or hear our song, right?
Ran : Then, I think we must show them our cool side with our performance.
Tomoe - Himari : !?
Himari : I, It's like Ran said...!
Tomoe : T, That right. We must show them Afterglow's best performance!
Tsugumi : Then, we must think carefully about our Setlist.
Himari : Yep! Let's make the best Setlist!


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