Opening - White-White Day

== In front of station ==

Chisato : It's been a while since I get a day off, what should I do... For the time being, let's go somewhere.
Chisato : First, How about I find a cafe to relax.
Tae : Happy white day, Chisato-senpai
Chisato : ...Eh?
Tae : Happy white day--.
Chisato : ... What I mean by [Eh] is, why do you suddenly say that, and not for you to repeat what you said. Also, Morning Tae-chan.
Tae : Good morning, Chisato-senpai. Today is White day.
Chisato : ...It isn't white day yet, I think. If my calendar isn't wrong.
Tae : ...What is White day in the first place.
Chisato : It's a day where we give a return gift for what we were given in Valentine, right?
Tae : On Valentine's Day, I received some chocolate and gave some chocolate. This means I don't need to return anything on White day, right.
Chisato : Maybe? Is that what happened in Popipa? In Pasupare we exchange chocolates on Valentine's Day, so we don't have any plan on White Day.
Tae : Is it really okay like that.
Chisato : Is it bad?
Tae : I don't know. That what I've been on my mind too. If there is a day called White day, then we should do something that is fitting on that day, right.
Tae : But, I don't know what is White day so, I can't think of anything. It becomes pure white. All my mind becomes white.
Chisato : I, is that so... then why don't you think about it with the other Popipa members?
Tae : I want to do that, so I contacted them this morning, but it seems everyone is busy.
Chisato : Is that so? But, why do you suddenly think of White day? Does Tae-chan like this kind of events?
Tae : Not really. The reason is, because of this morning.
Tae : I wake up in the morning, eat breakfast, and then feed my rabbit.
Chisato : Come to think of it, you have lots of rabbits.
Tae : After that, I want to play my guitar ... But, I remember that the guitar that I always use is still in adjustment.
Chisato :...Then, you can't play your guitar.
Tae : Yes, Today I don't have any part-time job either. So, I turned on my TV and then I heard about White day there...
Chisato : ...And then?
Tae : That's all.
Chisato : Ummm, What about the guitar and the rabbit?
Tae : The guitar and the rabbits are very important to me.
Chisato : I don't mean it that way... But, I see.
Tae : Come to think of it, What are you doing out here Chisato-senpai?
Chisato : What am I doing ... nothing special. I suddenly get a day off, I was thinking about what I should do.
Tae: In other words, Chisato-senpai is White day too?
Chisato : That, Sorry, I don't understand. What Tae-chan mean by White day?
Tae : There is no work, you have done everything in your home, and you can't play guitar. Your schedule becomes all empty. In other words, it becomes white. That is White day.
Chisato : Ahh... I finally understand. I don't have any interest in White Day, so my mind wandered to many things.
Chisato : You mean, Free, right?
Tae : That's right. and because of that, Chisato-senpai.
Chisato : ... What is it? I have a bad feeling though...
Tae : Let's think about White day together.
Chisato : As I thought, it will become something like that... I don't mind if it's only a little. I don't have any plan too.
Tae : I'm glad. Then, Let's go...
Chisato : To where?
Tae : ... Do you know any good place?
Chisato : ...Could we even reach an agreement in this discussion.

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