Chapter 9 - Even if I don't understand it
Tsugumi : Let's see... [Flower language - Burnet].....
Tsugumi : Umm... [In the language of flower, Burnet has the meaning of (Change) (To change) (Admiring the future)]...
Tsugumi : (It really is a Flower language that fit Ran-chan...)
Tsugumi : ...
Tsugumi : (Ran-chan haven't replied to my message yet... As I thought, my interpretation of the lyrics is wrong...)
Chisato : Tsugumi-chan, what happens?
Tsugumi : Eeeh ! ? W-what is it?
Kanon : You have been sighing a lot. Are you troubled by something...?
Tsugumi : N-no...
Eve : Tsugumi-san! If you're troubled by something please say it! I want to help Tsugumi-san!
Tsugumi : Um, that... Right now, there aren't that many customers, so it's probably fine. You see...
Chisato : So, you don't understand the meaning of the lyrics that Ran-chan write. I heard Ran-chan is the type of person who put what she feels into her lyrics as it is, right.
Kanon : So it means. you become unable to understand what is in Ran-chan mind, right. ...And that makes you worried.
Tsugumi : That's right. And Because of that, everything becomes so messed up...
Tsugumi : I, since we are still a child, always, al~~ways respect Ran-chan. Even when she is still a child she has her own opinion. Even her cold personality is so cool...
Tsugumi : I always chase Ran-chan's back. But now... I can't see her back anymore ... About Ran-chan and about her lyrics too, I can't understand any of it anymore...
Tsugumi : If this keeps up, we'll...
Eve : Tsugumi-san, please don't cry...! Surely, as long as Afterglow still have the feeling to want to continue, It will definitely be okay! It will definitely won't end.
Eve : Even if Ran-san have changed, surely, she still loves Afterglow right?
Tsugumi : Y-yes... Probably.
Eve : Then it's okay! Right, Chisato-san!
Chisato : Fufu. That's right. Unexpectedly, that kind of feeling is important.
Tsugumi : That feeling is definitely the same for all of us.
Chisato : When I heard Ran-chan singing, I could understand that Ran-chan is a serious and strong girl. ...She isn't honest to herself though.
Chisato : Once she decided on something then she will do it seriously, she knows what should she do to do it properly and she has the sensibility and sense to actually achieve it.
Chisato : ... It is what I think. Am I right?
Tsugumi : Yes, I think so too. When she is faced with a challenge, she knows what should she do... Let it be lyrics or songs... She is awesome!
Chisato : Ran-chan, lately, doing her flower arrangement seriously, probably she gets a new perspective or a new stimulation from there.
Tsugumi : I see! Just now, I search for many things about the flower that Ran-chan likes!
Tsugumi : If, Little by little, I could understand the kind of things that she likes... I could catch up to her, right?
Chisato : Fufu, That's right. But, if the 5 of you become Ran-chan, then it won't become Afterglow again, right?
Tsugumi : Aa, ahahaha... That's right, isn't it? But it became a hint to understand about Ran-chan more. Thank you very much.
Kanon : Good luck Tsugumi-chan. I'm sorry I can't give you any good advice...
Tsugumi : Don't worry about it! Just by telling someone about my worried, could make me organize my own feeling!
Tsugumi : We, the 5 of us, always together since we are a child, we never talked about something like this to other people.
Tsugumi : That's why for you to just listen to my worries... make me happy!
Kanon : I know that feeling too. Since I join Hello Happy, my own world becomes wider... and just like this, I could even become a friend with someone like Tsugumi-chan.
Tsugumi : Perhaps, by talking and listening to other people like this, I could [Change] too!
Tsugumi : Perhaps, by talking and listening to other people like this, I could [Change] too!
Tsugumi : This! ... I probably discover something amazing!
Chisato : Fufu, Tsugumi-chan, you look happy.
Eve : Tsugumi-san, Fight desu!!
Tsugumi : Yes! I will work hard! Thank you, Eve-chan.
Tsugumi : ( Ran-chan, just a little bit more ! Perhaps just a little bit more... I could see the same sky that Ran-chan see again !)
Tsugumi : ( Ran-chan... Please wait a little bit longer okay !)
== Park ==
Ran : ...
Ran : (Nothing comes up. Nothing change so I couldn't write anything)
Ran : Sigh...
Hina : Ran-chan! O~ii, Ran-cha~n!
Ran : Hina-san!?
Hina : What are you doing? Ah, is this a new lyrics? Show me!
Ran : Aa, Wa, Wait...!
Hina : Hmm... This lyrics, what is the meaning of it?
Ran : Eeh...?
Hina : I don't understand it, but I know it is kind of cool.
Ran : ... Even I, don't understand it.
Hina : Eh?
Ran : No one understands those lyrics. That why I'm troubled.
Hina : Why is no one understand?
Ran : I already said that I don't understand.
Hina : Hmm, I see.
Hina : But you know, to me something that I don't understand is interesting!
Ran : ...I don't think so. To me, something that I don't understand is really painful.
Hina : Many people said that they don't understand me. But you see, Everyone in pasupare is close to me.
Hina : The thing that we don't understand, we think about it together, and because of that, they became to be able to understand me. That's why I really love pasupare!
Hina : I love something that I don't understand because I don't understand it, but, Everyone in the pasupare who thinks together with me, when there is something that we don't understand, I love it more!
Ran : Together ...
Ran : Is that mean...
Hina : Aaa! I must go to Pasupare job now! Ran-chan, see you again then~!
Ran : Aaa, Wait! Hina-san...!
Ran : Thinks about it together... Huh.
Ran : (Something that I don't understand makes me worried. It makes me lonely. But... This loneliness is only a waste of time)
Ran : (If I'm lonely, Then I just need to not be lonely. Together... We must think about it together.)
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