Chapter 8 - Respective feeling

== Mitake Household - Ran's room ==

Ran : ...
(Moca : No, Ran has changed. You're already going to the place that we don't know.)
(Moca : The thing that Ran see know.., We haven't seen it yet.)
Ran : (Everyone, right now ... What did they see and where did they see it ?)
Ran : ( Tell me... Please...)
Ran : Hmm... From Tsugumi?
[Tsugumi : Ran-chan good work! I'm sorry we invite you to the studio even though we know that you're busy. Himari-chan said that she wants to apologize to you too.]
[Tsugumi : And then.]
[Tsugumi : About the lyrics that you write. I have given some thought about it! Is it alright if I interpret it this way, could you please take a look at it?]
Ran : Tsugumi...
[Tsugumi : I'm sorry if I'm interpreting in the wrong way, But, I really like this part here! It's very cool!.]
Ran : ...
Ran : ([So Tsugumi see the meaning of these lyrics, as something like this.])
Ran : ... No, let's stop.
Ran : ( I plan to write these lyrics the same as usual. Why did everyone think it has changed.)
Ran : ( Did I really, write these lyrics with the 5 of us in mind ?)
Ran : ...I don't understand all of this.

== A Few days later ==
== Convenience store ==

Lisa : Aa. Moca! Can I ask your help with this?
Moca : Okay ~...
Lisa : Eh? What happens?
Moca : I'm gonna help you with that.
Lisa : Moca... What happen? Usually, you won't help when I ask. you think it is too troublesome. It kind of weird.
Moca : Hmm~... Is it really like that~...?
Lisa : As I thought it's is weird! From the way you talk too!
Moca : Today our shift is the same right? Moca, Don't go home before me okay? I will listen to your worries!

== Family restaurant ==

Lisa : I see~. Ran have changed huh~.
Moca :  ...
Lisa : Before this, you talk to me about something like this too, don't you? It's kind of Deja vu, isn't?
Moca : At that time, I thought that I only need to push Ran's back. Without saying anything, just watching over her...
Moca : But it's not good, just watching over her is not good. I already said what Lisa-san said to me... I already said it to Ran... Although I can not say it well.
Moca : Many things happen, but Afterglow still continuing. So that everything doesn't change, Ran changed... But, Ran is suffering all alone again.
Lisa : Moca. don't tell me, did you think that all the pain that Ran suffer now, is your own fault?
Moca : But... Isn't it like that.
Moca : All the thing that I do for Ran, It's a mistake.
Lisa : Moca...
Moca : And then, About Ran, I'm the one that notices it first, But I didn't say anything...
Moca : Probably, I'm scared. If everyone knows about this.
Moca : In the end, I can't even keep my promise with Lisa-san. Everything....become messed up.
Lisa : Moca, as I thought, you are just like me.
Moca : Eh...?
Lisa : We doesn't have any confidence in what we do! Me too, there is a time when I think the things that I do is a mistake.
Lisa : But, Moca is definitely not at fault! If Moca isn't there Ran will definitely won't face forward.
Lisa : Because The 4 of you, Ran can become like this now. Right now, probably you're suffering, but there will definitely a day when you thought, what are you doing right now isn't wrong.
Moca : ... Is it really like that? I wonder if that's true?
Lisa : Yes! Definitely!
Moca : ...What should I do right now?  Should I just wait?
Lisa : Hmm... You must think about that yourself!
Moca : Ehh~...
Lisa : If you only depend on me it won't have any meaning. If you don't think about it yourself, then something like this will definitely happen again.
Moca : Lisa-san, so strict...
Lisa : Ahahaha, Because it's for my cute Moca-chan, I became strict!
Moca : Uuu~...
Lisa : Good luck Moca! If you work hard I will give you bread later.
Moca : Ehh! I will work hard~~
Lisa : You have become cheerful again!
Moca : Ehehehe~. Lisa-san, Thank you.


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