Chapert 15 - The sky that we see

== A few hours later ==
== Mitake's Household - Ran's Room ==

Himari : --Then, this is the baseline...
Tsugumi : Yes, It could work.
Ran : Yawn...
Moca : Ran, Good morning~
Ran : Eh, what... Waahh, It's already noon...
Tomoe : I've seen the lyrics! It's really good!!
Himari : Starting from The Morning,  Then continuing to dusk and then night sky... This lyric is really like our new [The same as always].
Tsugumi : Because of that, we decided to arrange the song as soon as possible.
Ran : So it's like that. I'm glad... I could make the Lyrics that we could perform together.
Tomoe : I'm glad It's done before our Live. Let's make it a good Live.
Himari : Yes! Let's do that!

== A few days later ==
== The day of the Live ==
== CiRCLE Dressing Room ==

Himari : It's our turn soon, right? Nnnn~ I can't wait!
Tomoe : I'm glad we could found the place for our Live.
Moca : That's right and we could arrange our new song in time too. Today Moca will be performing perfectly--
Ran : Today Setlist, It's composed with the song that shows how important the sky to us.
Tsugumi : Yes, Sunset, Night sky... and the last one is Morning sky! All of it,  Is about the sky that we see together.
Ran : Moca, You think of a good Setlist.
Moca : Hehe-- Of course--
Staff : Please get ready soon.
Himari : It's time!!
Ran : Let's go, everyone.

== CiRCLE Studio==
Ran : --- Our first song [Scarlet Sky].
Ran : -----
Tomoe : Let's keep on going--! [Y.O.L.O!!!!!]
Ran : --- Thank you for listening to us.
Ran : Next, Our last song will be our new song.
Ran : The sky that we see is always connected. Because that's [The same as always].
Ran : [Tsunagu, Soramoyou]

Moca: ( As I thought, I'm the happiest when the five of us together! That's why, I have decided. To keep on chasing Ran's back. So that I don't have any regret, This is the path that I choose.)
Moca : ( After this song end, Night will come. Our new [The same as always] will begin. Let's get along from now on too, everyone)
Himari : (Our timing is perfect just like always! At last, we could see the same sky again. Sob... It makes me want to cry~!)
Himari : (Right now, The sky that we see together, I want to treasure it! It's my duty as the leader of Afterglow! Everyone, We will be always together from now on!!)

Tomoe : ( Ran becomes distant from us and we became unable to understand the lyrics... Everything makes me worried... But now, There is nothing that I afraid of! Because...)
Tomoe : ( All of the skies is connected to the Sunset... If we think about it, there is nothing to worry about. As long the sky is exist, we'll always be together!)

Tsugumi : (Before starting this band... I always seeing everyone's back, always chasing it...)
Tsugumi : (Everyone's back that I see right now, It's sparkling and cool! From now on, Always, always, please let me chase everyone's back!)

Ran : ( I want to sing more! I want to perform more! Everyone sound pushed my back, It make me could stand here right now)
Ran : ( Even before we started the band... Everyone always helps me, always push my back... If I'm alone then I can't do anything.)
Ran : ( But, I want to be with everyone from now on... Because everyone keeps on pushing my back, I could keep on moving forward. That's why...)

Ran : ( Believe in my back, and follow me--!!)

== CiRCLE Dressing Room ==

Tomoe : Haaaahhhhh... Everyone, Good work! That's the best Live, isn't it!
Himari : Sobb... sobbbb~~!! Ran~~~!!
Ran : Wahhh!? Wai, Himari! Don't suddenly hug me!
Himari : But... Ran is so cool... And not only Ran, everyone is so cool too...
Himari : I'm glad we're all childhood friend...
Moca : Hiichan,  you're exaggerating too much.
Tsugumi : Everyone's back today, It really is cool!
Ran : Himari always exaggerating everything... But, today I'm thinking the same too, I'm glad we're all childhood friend.
Ran : Because of everyone, I can stand right here now. I really want the five of us to be together, I mean...
Ran : ... Aaa...
Moca : I mean~?
Ran : Nothing! Because Moca poking fun at me I won't say it anymore.
Tomoe : Moca~ That's not good right? At time like this, we must listen to it until the end~ ahahaha
Ran : Shut up!
Himari : As I thought, I don't want this Ran to ever change!
Tsugumi : Ahahaha, ... I think so too.
Ran : Even tsugumi!? Really, everyone...
Ran : Everyone is the worst, really!

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