Chapter 3 - The feeling inside the sound

== A few days later ==
== Studio ==

Rinko : (The reason I play Piano... I wonder what...?)
Rinko : (That kind of thing... I never think about it...)
Rinko : (Releasing an album... Becoming famous... I don't have that kind of goal...)
Ako : Ri~nrin! Good work!
Rinko : A, Ako-chan...?
Rinko : The time for Band practice... should be still a bit later, right...?
Ako : Ako come here because I want to cheer for Rinrin! It's the same for Risa-nee and Sayo-san.
Risa : Are you okay, Rinko? You seem a bit absent-minded...?
Sayo : You leave the Studio door open. Please be more careful.
Rinko :  Eh, It's true... I'm sorry... I'm gonna be more careful next time.
Ako : Hmmm, If it's like this, then it means the practice for the contest doesn't go well...?
Rinko : Yes... Sorry... Even though you want to cheer me... I can't meet up with your expectation...
Ako : No~! It's Ako who acted as she pleases! Please don't mind it!
Lisa : Right, right. Everyone has a time when things just don't go their way.
Sayo : At a time like this, it's better if you don't think about it too much. How about you do something else for a change of pace?
Rinko : Change of pace...?
Ako : ...Ah! I think of something good! Let's do a session!
Rinko : Session?
Ako : Yes! It will be good for a change of pace!
Ako : We are not gonna perform perfectly, but let's do it more freely!
Rinko : Ako-chan...
Sayo : I see, that surely will be good for a change of pace.
Lisa : Yes! That's a good idea! Let's do it!
Ako : So what kind of song should we play? Rinrin what did you think?
Rinko : Eh? Umm, let's see... How about [Opera of the wasteland]...?
Ako : Okay! That's good!
Sayo : We have decided on the song then. Are you all ready?
Rinko : Y, Yes...!
Rinko : ...
Ako : (The sound of the piano, is still a bit down... Hear Ako's sound more, Rinrin!)
Rinko : ( ! Ako-chan...?)
Lisa : (Wait, wait~? If you play the piano with that kind of sound, It won't become a change of pace~)
Sayo : ( Right now, what we want is not that depressed sound. If it's you then, you should understand it too, Shirokane-san.)
Rinko : ( Imai-san... even Hikawa-san... Everyone feeling is reaching me through the sound that they make...)
Rinko : ( Everyone sound is being attracted to my sound... and then the sound overlapping each other... I must answer everyone sound with my sound...)
Rinko : ( This feeling... That right, It's the same as when I enter Roselia... The feeling that I felt when my performance is matching with everyone performance....)
Rinko : (It is really, fun...!)
Rinko : ( But, even before I joined Roselia... I should have felt this kind of feeling...)
Ako-Lisa : .......!
Ako : ( Wahh! Rinrin, she put her own piano arrangement!)
Lisa : ( T-this is probably overdoing it, isn't it~? But, she seem happy playing it, Rinko.)
Ako : Hngh---! It's super super super fun---!
Lisa : Ahaha, I don't think it will become something like this.
Ako : It just like, Ako's drum is being possessed by the power of an evil god... And then the world... Ummm...
Rinko : Shaking?
Ako :  Right! And then my performance shake the entire world!
Ako : Heyhey-! That arrangement, Did you just thought about it just now? That is super cool!
Rinko : Y, yes... When I heard everyone sound... I was tempted to change it...
Rinko : This performance... If I put that kind of arrangement then it will definitely match, that's what I thought...
Lisa : T, To do an improvisation like that while playing, as expected of Rinko.
Sayo : Indeed. Even though the song becomes something that's completely different.
Rinko : Ah, S, sorry... Hikawa-san... Even though you always said... to play the song as it is written.
Sayo : ... It's not like I'm gonna scold you.
Sayo : You read the atmosphere of that performance, and do an improvisation without ruining the balance. It's a good session.
Rinko : Hikawa-san...
Lisa : You're being praised by Sayo who always strict about that kind of thing...
Ako : Pout~! Sayo-san, even though you always scold Ako, if Ako doesn't play the same as it is written~!
Sayo : If you put a different arrangement that ruins the song. Of course, I'm gonna get angry.
Rinko : .......
Rinko : Everyone... Thank you very much... Because of that session... I could remember something important...
Lisa : Something important?
Rinko : Why did I play Piano... Why did I like Piano... I remember the reason...


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