Opening - Rinko's Determination
== CiRCLE Cafetaria ==
Yukina : Piano Contest...?
Rinko : Yes, I want to participate... in the contest that will be held this time...
Lisa : Come to think of it, You said you want to participate in a contest before.
Sayo : Yes, I heard that before, but isn't it a long time ago?
Ako : Rinrin is waiting for this contest to be held, right?
Rinko : Yes, Because I have entered it before...
Rinko : When I said I want to participate in a contest before... What I mean is This contest.
Yukina : Do you have any fond memories of this contest?
Rinko : Fond memories... Isn't like that, it's just that...
Yukina : ?
Ako : But, will you be okay? You said you don't like participating in a contest because there will be many people watching, right?
Rinko : Yes... There will be many people participating in it... And this contest will be open to the public... So there will be many people watching...
Lisa : T-that will make you nervous, isn't it. Even for me, performing alone in front of many people, I might not be able to handle it.
Ako : Rinrin, are you gonna be okay?
Rinko : I might not be okay, But... I want to challenge it.
Rinko : Because I always run away from it... I think this is the time I face it...
Sayo : I see... I hope it goes well.
Rinko : Hikawa-san... Yes, Thank you very much...
Yukina : Then you should begin preparing for the contest soon.
Rinko : Yes, I have to make the time to practice individually... If I want to practice the set piece.
Rinko : Ah, Of course... I'm gonna make sure I don't obstruct the band.
Lisa : Ahaha. It's not like we are gonna refuse you because of that.
Yukina : Yes. It's like what Lisa said. We won't pour cold water to someone who wants to challenge herself.
Rinko : Yukina-san... Imai-san...
Ako : By the way, Rinrin? What kind of song will the set piece be?
Rinko : Today, the participation requirement should be announced... The set piece should be written on their site...
Rinko : I... What kind of song will it be... I haven't checked it...
Lisa : Hee, Then let's check it now. Let's see, This contest, right. The set piece is...
Ako : Ah, There it is! This definitely it!
Rinko : !
Yukina : Is this... Classical music?
Sayo : Probably, I don't know about the detail though.
Rinko : ...
Yukina : Rinko?
Ako : Rinrin? Something matter?
Rinko : N-no... It's just that, I know this song...
Rinko : This is... When I participate in this contest a long time ago... I played this song...
Lisa : Eh? You enter this contest when you're still at elementary school, right?
Yukina : At that time, You played a song that was supposed to be a challenge for a high school student ?
Rinko : T, that... My piano teacher said... If it's this song then, I will definitely be able to play it...
Ako : Awe~some! So, even at that time, you already good at playing Piano.
Rinko : I-it's not like that...
Lisa : Ahahaha, It's like that.
Sayo : Surely, It means you have the experience to win the contest.
Rinko : That's... It's true, but...
Ako : Isn't it good, Rinrin! If it's something that you have played before, then it will be easy~!
Lisa : Good luck, Rinko! I'm gonna cheer for you!
Rinko : Y-yes... Thank you very much...
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